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It's such a fun idea!Did you programme the game with C# or with a visual language?
Btw, if you like making games, dun give up on that!I lived  and studied University in HK.Every one in HK told me that doing creative things can't earn money, study and get into Uni is the only way. After that many years, I finally realised that I'm interested in game making and I'm now spending all my saving to study master of animation, games and interactivity at RMIT in Australia lol

Dun live a life the others expect you to live, just insist on what you really enjoy and like!I know the life in HK is tough and all the people in HK only care about whether they can earn a lot of money(which sucks).The world is so big, you dun need to stay in a place which the norm is nonsense.You can dream big and escape from that place.

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Thank you so much. That really cheer me up. I just work so hard on my secondary school study these few weeks and i just leave making games aside for quite a long time.(and thats also why i just read your post this late) It's encouraging for me to know someone who can work their dream out. Sadly I have to get back on my homework and learning for now as there are tons of work to do(I'm form 5 and everything really is quite tough for me). However i would never give up on my dream. Thank you for your encouragement. ^_^ May God bless you on your study in Australia and everything you are working on. 

(And I make games using Unity and program with C#, C# is kinda simple compared to other language so i like it<3)