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Hello I played through your game. I felt the storyline present and where you were taking it next was interesting, it kept my attention. I liked how there were a lot of big moments / dramatic moments. The motives of the characters and what they were doing made sense. Some of the mapping like the town and forest village / town maps were mostly good. And I liked how the battles felt balanced to me. I felt the skillsets could do with some work.

Having all those subcategories for the different elements on our main character felt a bit too much to me to want to scroll through. I'd recommend having a single tab for "Elements" if they're going to be that important and then put the elemental skills in that category. I'd also recommend spicing them up a lot more so they aren't just the same skill with weaknesses and strengths against different enemies. I saw some variation on that, but I'd improve upon it a lot more. What was good was that the balance of the normal fights and boss fights were really good.

There was a good length between them and some challenge because of that. The character had personality and felt like they were thinking with the story, that was all good but in different ways some of them didn't feel that realistic with there backgrounds and such. I like how you kept twisting the story, all those little twists were fun.

I felt the character interaction could've expanded and a bit more, it was good jumping from one place to another here since it fitted the storyline but more interaction between the characters in between the scenes would've been nice in expanding them further for us, that too would help make them seem a little more realistic.  I think the game has some very good potential and you have a good story here. It's just it needs more ingredients and some improvements if that makes sense.

Overall I enjoyed your game it was fun watching the story and battles were good. The credits though, I recommend making them twice the current speed so they aren't shown too slow. This game's story is good, it just the game could do with more improvements for that to shine, but there were a lot of good scenario and many good points so it's a good start.


Thank you Boos405. I'm glad you enjoyed it.