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Really cool stuff! I finished it after 2 tries. Really good maps, made only walking and only running both impossible, you had to figure out when to walk and when to run, nice!

Didn't enjoy that my life timer got reset between levels, would've enjoyed it more with a persistent clock. Made my super-awsm map finishes feel nullified.

Tutorial was really impressive but perhaps a little unnecesary, why not build the tutorial into the first few levels and then just teach the player by default as they get started with the game :]

Overall awsm stuff, sad that I didn't get to see the human form nicely at the end though!

Thanks for playing and giving such detailed feedback. I appreciate it.

This was actually my first game so I couldn't really figure out how to keep the timer as a consistent variable and took the short cut to finish it.

I also didn't have time to learn how to create cinematic sequences but having the Zombie transform was part of my initial design.

Glad you enjoyed it. Hope to be able to improve on those things for my next project.