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Very atmospheric! I got a strong "Thomas is Alone" vibe (but I guess that could be said of any rectangle-jumping game, heh)

It's very hard to get an audience to connect emotionally with a simple shape, but this game achieves that!

I will say that I struggled a little with the platforming aspect, especially having to control everything with the left hand. When playing a platformer I prefer to have all the controls on the keyboard, instead of spreading them between mouse and keyboard, which I personally find cumbersome. Seeing as the only mouse control was to hover over the diamond to unlock the door, I feel like this could easily be achieved, but that's just my 2c, not all will agree with me there.

Overall, a solid entry with a touching story. The color shifting and cinematic bits were all spot on! Well done!

Thanks Miltage! Really digged you game.

It felt like it was the only fully complete game.

Not sure how to describe it.. like we all kinda of made prototypes where your feels like you could drop it into an arcade machine and start making penny's. 💁🏻‍♂️