Thank you for pointing this out!
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This is such a fun and clever theme for the deck-builder genre. The whispering as you stack the ingredients is perfection. I also enjoyed how the music changed speed depending on the game state.
The only thing I would add would be the name of the ingredient on the main screen when you are choosing to keep/discard. When I first started playing I was staring at a patty and had no idea what I was looking at because of the simplified art style.
The reaper character looks great and the colour palette is awesome too!
I think you could benefit from some seamless textures for the scrolling parallax background because the flicker as textures changed/moved made it hard for me to focus on the jumps. I do think your collision box could be a bit more lenient too.
Thank you for the kind words, Ben!
Earning money by rolling above the target is an important mechanic because it incentivises the player to reroll for a higher amount (and higher payout) even when they've already rolled enough to meet the round target. There is a risk then, of course, of rolling lower than your current roll and missing the target entirely, so it is a calculated gamble on the player's part. This is where the "midnight staircase" part of the jam's theme comes in. Does the player keep rolling to attempt scoring higher, or "get off" with their current roll?
If I continue working on this post-jam (which is likely), I think I'll change this to align with feedback you and other people have provided, because it does just break completely once you get enough dice and the game becomes impossible to lose.
This game is a feast for the eyes! Adore the different characters. I had a couple of false starts until I realised I had to strategically choose wrong answers to avoid being possessed, while also bringing in enough money to reach the target. Clever balancing act!
My only gripe is that I wish the pacing were a little faster. The characters take a long time to enter/exit and say their piece, especially once you've played 4 rounds like I did.
You guys absolutely nailed the atmosphere in this one. The sounds in this game are phenomenal, everything was carefully considered. The creaking floorboards, the person gently snoring on the couch... I really felt like I was sneaking around the house at night! 😴
At one point I dropped the jam jar on the floor and the person on the couch stirred and I actually held my breath!
My only criticism is that the hands were difficult for me to use. I feel like we need a way to move them up/down as well as forward/back like they currently are set up. I never did get as far as making a complete sandwich (though I did have a lot of fun trying) because when you drop something on the floor trying to pick it back up is its own different adventure game (that I didn't always win). 😝
Fantastic work, guys!
In trying to close the fridge door, I instead managed to keep opening it until the door was inside the fridge. Close enough? 😂
I found this very intriguing to play. I was wholly invested in tracking down my stolen item. I think with a wider cast of characters, more story options and some solid voice acting this could be a very compelling game to play!
Some feedback I gathered while playing in case you decide to work on this more:
- I like that the conversation is presented in speech bubbles like a text message. It would be cool if you could scroll up to re-read something already said.
- I would love it if the characters had some recollection of talking to me before and not say the exact same script every time I talked to them.
- The background ambience does a great job of selling the atmosphere of a location, but it should loop! I was in the Market for long enough that the sound stopped and everything got deathly silent... Also fading between areas as you transition would be super nice!
- The signposts look like they indicate your current location and not a means of travel. They could benefit from having arrows to indicate that clicking them will take you there, something like "Port --->" perhaps?
- I encountered a bug where my arrival in Mombasa interrupted a conversation I was having with the boat captain.
While investigating Mombasa something happened and I couldn't interact with people anymore :( I could still transition between areas though...
Well done on putting this together!
"Paint the streets!"
Splatoon, but with cars!
The vehicle handling is really good! I like the different multiplayer modes but, alas, had to one around to play with so I was left juggling both controls like a multitasking lunatic. I will have to wait for the online multiplayer update.
Would have liked a way to return to the main menu to try the different game modes without having to restart the game. If there was a way, I couldn't find it.
Nice work!