Finally got it running on ubuntu 20.04!!
Your tweening code and timed dialogue were smooth.
- Install deps
sudo apt-get install sdl2-images* libsdl2-mixer* guile-3.0 guile-3.0-dev
- Follow the steps on David Thompson Guile SDL page
- In the autoconf script replace gettext version 0.2 with version 0.19
- Define the environment variable where the Guile SDL package installed. Form me it was:
export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/usr/local/share/guile/site/3.0
- Run configure with fonts set. I downloaded the inconsolata ttf set.
./configure --with-default-font=${HOME}/Downloads/inconsolata-ttfs/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf --with-bold-font=${HOME}/Downloads/inconsolata-ttfs/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf
- from here the rest of the instructions should work (I had to run sudo make install to actually get the game to run)