This looks promising, but it's definitely very very early, and I'm probably not going to write that much because there's so little to really look at here.
The premise reminds me of Magical Girl Z from the last jam a bit. I'd definitely be interested in playing a game with that storyline!
I didn't like the combat at first, but I liked it better the second time around. It seems very timing based, but it's loose enough that I can land hits even though I kind of suck at timing things. I'm not sure how well it would work with multiple enemies- I think that would be the next thing to try.
I like the dynamic music that changes when a fight starts. If there's something that stands out as interesting and innovative it's definitely this.
The world is visually pleasing and has an interesting layout, though I'd like to see more details and interactivity in a finished game.
Any plans to continue with this?