Day 1
Writing this one a little bit post-factum, but all job (and the tweet) was done yesterday, so I guess it is fair :D
One of main activities of player in my game has to be controlling where characters can go and where they can't. But so far there is no reason for player to do so. There is simply nothing on the level aside of 3 characters. So I've decided to implement some pickups that grant buffs for any characters that pick them up (including enemies). This would motivate player to lead hero to those pickups, while trying to keep enemies of those.
To have a buffs, you need proper "attached effects" system. Which was my goal yesterday. System was implemented, taking into account possibility to make effects that affect player temporarily or permanently, in combat or passively. Additionally I've made example pickup with bonus double damage for next 5 hits.
Small gif showing hero picking up buff before encountering enemy:
I know it doesn't look really exciting, but I hope to fix it in future. Also please note that some sprites are taken from Dragon Quest series purely for prototyping, and will be replaced by some other visuals later.