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Wow! First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time for writing such a detailed analysis of my game. It's rare that I find someone willing to put their thoughts, much less putting in the effort of writing a "review" if you want to call it that way.

I found your take very interesting, I'll admit, I had underestimated/forgotten how topical my game was. You're definetly right that the theme of futility was a huge thing, how sometimes doing the right thing isn't enough. If you want to know, I wrote this game in the middle of my brief art school experience where I witnessed people there there were either lost, or unhappy, or stright up miserable. I felt quite powerless because on the one side I was probably the least talented person there, almost certainly the most naïve. I wanted to do something with myself, something with the others, but I came to the conclusion there was just no point in me being there. The story itself though is directly based on an experience with an online friend.

I'm glad you relate to this mild rage on the system, people putting labels and not quite understanding one another. It's another issue I care about because it's amazing that despite the fact we've come so far as a society, people still gain such little understanding of one another. You can like try, to befriend a person for years, thinking they're great even if they ignore you and it's only years later when you realize what a jerk they were. Same happens to people you don't know very well, or even at all. You think you know them, you feel certain you know them, but they're not. That's kind of the whole deal with the protagonist being promiscuous. Sex is such a far out idea nowadays, it's hard not to be uncomfortable even hearing about it, which is the case for Faith. Which is why listening to anybody can be so beneficial; you can learn things about others you couldn't even imagine on your own.

Anyways, thank you again for you liking my game! I hope you got a quick from my little "behind the scenes", ha, ha. Keep checking games from jams, you can experience a lot from amateur projects and it means a lot for the makers for you to play them as well :)