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Well, I work in Unity but looking at Unreals documentation it seems like this will still work for you...

According to the documentation, you can export your project to HTML5 or Windows, which both cases Itch will let you upload quite easily.

1) Create a new page (very top right, click your pofile name, and then "Upload New Project"

2) Once you create the project, click on "Edit Project" in the top left

3) Youll have to fill out some basic info (title, url, description, classification...)

4) You will then see a section for "Kind of project", here you can set it to "HTML" or "Downloadable", whichever is applicable for your project - it will change the upload options you have avalible

5) Just below "Pricing" is "Uploads" - this is where you will actually upload your project, likely you will have to ZIP your project files to be uploaded, thats just how packaging and uploading data on any web server tends to work, since straight up .exe's and "raw" files can be seen as a virus or have missing critical files to run, such as DLL's and other dependencies

6) Wait until its finished uploading, and continue to fill out the other areas and tabs as needed for your project. Once you "Save" your changes will be applied live, and you can preview the changes and send the link to whoever needs it

As a side note, at the very bottom, you will see a section called "Visibility and Access" - if you want to be very professional about it, and have the time, I would suggest to change this to "Restricted", set a password so you and a select few you give the password to, can help you finalize the presentation of your webpage - when your ready, remember to switch it to "Public" so anyone can access and see your webpage (including the ability to download or play your project) without a password - then the fun part begins, Analytics, which will give you site hits per-day and you can view monthly plays and website hits ("hits" are simply website visits), hope this gives you enough information to get started, most of it should become self-explanatory once you start the process, as everything is correctly labeled and often comes with a description as to what its meant to do, and sometimes a "guideline" they advise, such as with tags, links, descriptions, etc - good luck.