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A member registered Jan 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks everyone for your submissions! We now have the team we are looking for, though if youd like I can keep your portfolios in mind for our next project in the future :) your tracks sound really nice!

(1 edit)

Thank you to all submissions! - we now have our full team for this project, if youd like to follow the development/release, please check out the itch page:

I am working on a multiplayer FPS horror game with a small team and we are currently looking for someone who can help create immersive horror themed music and someone who can create semi-fantasy sound effects (or someone who can do both) - with sound, you will also be mixing and editing voice lines - we currently have a playable game with multiplayer working and are developing the last few features as we work on polishing things up - if this project sounds like something youd like to be a part of, please see the full details here:

Any questions, feel free to ask, and please send at least 2 examples of your previous work or website/portfolio if your interested, either through email, or Discord DMs - thanks for reading and maybe ill hear from ya soon (no pun intended)

For artists, usually sites like DeviantArt is pretty good as a free public profile, they have a "stash" storage, another good one is ArtStation, though a google doc or google drive could also be a public way you could share some of your art samples if your unable to include them in your post :)

Hey, we are currently looking for 3D environments in our FPS horror game, id love to chat with you about it, do you happen to have any models from tutorials or otherwise you might be able to show? 

About The Project:

We are working on a multiplayer FPS action-horror game (similar to a reverse Dead By Daylight), we have recently finished building the multiplayer part and most of the game mechanics for both teams in a playable prototype, we are now looking for an Environment Artist to help turn grayboxed map mockups into final maps and a Character Animator to help with first person and full body animations for weapons and character-specifics like movement and attacks, you may also be helping with posing the existing characters for static renders

We expect about another 2 months to finish the remaining programming features and then several months after to finish the planned content development such as maps and items - we are still doing tests and collecting feedback with our prototype, our plan is to polish some of the assets we have to start talking about the game online as we finalize the game for a full release (ideally) later this year or early next year, while we have a lot of functional parts of the game, we do not yet have much art associated with it (this is why we are looking for artists to join the team and help us reach the finish line!)


About The Team:

Youll be working with a small team of developers, our team is currently a few programmers, a designer, a music composer and a few other artists helping with UI and characters - I am the project manager, lead programmer and network programmer on this project, you can check out our other projects in the link posted below as well as full details on each role we are looking for


Who We Are Looking For:

Please see the full details about each role here:

In summary, we are looking for these roles:

1 Environment Artist

You will be working with greyboxed mockups (feel free to modify the layout), using boundary tricks to border maps (ex: tall cliffs, non-climbable fences, dense trees, fog, etc)

  • 4 arena-sized maps (mostly exterior environments with a few enterable buildings)
  • Some modular interior buildings/rooms
  • Some props and furniture (many assets are intended to be reused on multiple maps)
  • Experience with interiors preferred, but not required

1 Character Animator

You will be working with a premade biped IK auto rig

  • 3s to 10s animation cycles (played by code)
  • Action and motion locomotion (reloading weapons, object interactions, etc)
  • Experience with IK required
  • Experience with rigging and bone weights preferred, but not required

For both roles, experience with Blender and Unity is preferred, but not required

You will be provided with documentation, measurements, references, mockups in Blender and a Unity project to test assets with the games theme/lighting and basic controls - you are open to experiment with different ideas

You will be joining a team, working closely with the project manager, designer and other artists, communicating through Discord - we have a dev server setup just for our team, and host "game nights" every month to test the latest state of the builds


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about what we are doing, feel free to send an email, or leave a message here

If you are interested in joining the project, please message me on Discord or by email and let me know the role your interested in applying for with at least 2 examples of your previous work, I will look over it with the designer, if we think your art style may fit the theme we are going for, we can organize a short interview to chat and get to know you better, explain more details about the project and answer any pressing questions you might have, then get you associated with our documentation and project files - if you do not have any kind of portfolio, website or examples of your work, thats fine, let us know with your message and we can create some examples that should help demo some areas we want to focus on

Hey, sorry, I may have mistaken your request for someone else at the time, my DM's are open to anyone so feel free to just drop me a message on Discord or you can resend your request

Hey, sorry we already have someone to help us with audio, right now we are only looking for the 3 roles mentioned; a weapon artist, character animator/UMotion animator and a UI artist

(1 edit)

We are working on a 1v3 horror FPS (think like a reverse Dead By Daylight) and we are looking for a few more devs to complete the team and help us build the game - this is a new project we are starting from ground-up and development will be split into 2 major phases

Specifically, we are looking for:

Weapons Artist:

Who will mostly be creating 4 base weapons (2 assault rifles, a pump shotgun and standard pistol) that will need to be highly customizable for various attachments like scopes, flashlight, laser sight, foregrips, etc (we have a doc detailing all the weapon assets and how they function from a design and implementation standpoint)

Character Animator:

Someone who has an understanding of motion and is willing to learn an asset called UMotion (helps create dynamic animations from within Unity), or someone experienced with Blender or Autodesk to create unique animations - most of these animations are motion and combat such as running, jumping, punching, etc, and weapon animations like reloading, running with gun, switching to different guns, etc

UI/Graphics Artist:

Who will mostly be creating visual elements, spritesheets and "UI packs" for a settings menu, game HUD's overlays (like the pause menu and customization menu), these are things like sliders, health bars, info panels, buttons, etc

There may also be general graphics work mostly for detailed logos/icons (with color, and shadow/depth) and silhouettes/symbols

Please read the full details for each role here:

We have a GDD and many other docs explaining the projects details, roadmap and plans for development, really all that's left to do is... To get started o.o


We are interested in working with individuals only. You will be joining a team for several months of development. Please do not contact us if you are a company, representative or contractor. We will not reply.

We have other games as well:

I am Dibbie, the lead programmer and project manager for all our games, this is a completely new project from the ground-up, so we are currently working to build a prototype sandbox/editor that will be used to both build and debug the game throughout development, so that will be the next few months of development



Discord: Dibbie#0408

Interested in joining? Please send your website or at least 2 examples of your work to us either by email or through Discord

Have questions? Feel free to ask! There are no dumb questions, it probably means I missed something (that happens sometimes o.o) - Send us an email with your questions or a message on Discord, we also have a community server you can ping me from:

Well, I work in Unity but looking at Unreals documentation it seems like this will still work for you...

According to the documentation, you can export your project to HTML5 or Windows, which both cases Itch will let you upload quite easily.

1) Create a new page (very top right, click your pofile name, and then "Upload New Project"

2) Once you create the project, click on "Edit Project" in the top left

3) Youll have to fill out some basic info (title, url, description, classification...)

4) You will then see a section for "Kind of project", here you can set it to "HTML" or "Downloadable", whichever is applicable for your project - it will change the upload options you have avalible

5) Just below "Pricing" is "Uploads" - this is where you will actually upload your project, likely you will have to ZIP your project files to be uploaded, thats just how packaging and uploading data on any web server tends to work, since straight up .exe's and "raw" files can be seen as a virus or have missing critical files to run, such as DLL's and other dependencies

6) Wait until its finished uploading, and continue to fill out the other areas and tabs as needed for your project. Once you "Save" your changes will be applied live, and you can preview the changes and send the link to whoever needs it

As a side note, at the very bottom, you will see a section called "Visibility and Access" - if you want to be very professional about it, and have the time, I would suggest to change this to "Restricted", set a password so you and a select few you give the password to, can help you finalize the presentation of your webpage - when your ready, remember to switch it to "Public" so anyone can access and see your webpage (including the ability to download or play your project) without a password - then the fun part begins, Analytics, which will give you site hits per-day and you can view monthly plays and website hits ("hits" are simply website visits), hope this gives you enough information to get started, most of it should become self-explanatory once you start the process, as everything is correctly labeled and often comes with a description as to what its meant to do, and sometimes a "guideline" they advise, such as with tags, links, descriptions, etc - good luck.

Hey! I am the lead programmer and project manager of our most recent project "Friendly Fire" - a 1v1 FPS semi-competitive experience for the PC.  Iv been hard at work with the rest of the team trying to get everything put together and now we have all of the programming and game systems implemented and tested - now, we just need to polish, add some animations and improve the art.

Iv worked on and released Anti AIr Strike, and RAYTRACE with a group of friends, and now I am nearly done with Friendly Fire, and would love to have you on the team!

We plan to release for free on Steam, so unfortunately I cant offer any financial payment (sorry), what I can offer, is a completed and released project you can add to your portfolio, a great group of individuals to work with, potential contacts for the future, and a plethora of resources and any paid opportunities that come my way, and fit your skillset. We are looking for anyone with the free time to help in any of the following areas:

Character Animator will be creating weapon animations for reloading & shooting on a FPS rig and full body IK rig
Outfit Artist will be creating 2 male and 2 female outfits, each themed with military gear and casual/everyday clothing (army vest, tank top, running shoes, etc)

Full details can be found here (please read this post if your interested in joining):

email me ( or reply here if you are interested or have any questions :)

This sounds like an interesting project - my Discord is: Dibbie#0408 if youd wanna talk it over

May 09 2020

- Added controller support, tested for Xbox and PS4 USB controllers

> Controller mapping can be found in the "How To Play" tab of Options, when a controller is connected

> Controller-specific settings for deadzone and crosshair sensitivity can be found in the new "Controller" tab of Options.

- Added a kill feed when killed by another player or falling off the map

- Updated a few small assets for maps

- Added small bug fixes and quality of life changes

- Simplified some long-operation code for better performance

- Updated placeholder weapon models with final weapon models

> Bazooka (super weapon)

> Minigun

> Shotgun

> Grenade Launcher


After some feedback and internal testing with friends, a few rouge issues were discovered and are now resolved, as well as some overall presentation/user experience improvements and recently added USB controller support so there are more ways to enjoy the game. You can now play with Keyboard + Mouse, or a USB Xbox or PS4 controller. Please keep in mind, controller navigation may not work correctly on menus, and you will have to use to mouse to navigate through the main menu into a game.

(2 edits)

If you would like to participate in the discussion(s) below, all you have to do is register an account with - the process is free, and should only take a few minutes of your time. You will need to confirm your email, then after that I'd love to chat with you in the discussion below!

Please let us know about any issues or game strategies you discover while playing. Don't wanna comment openly? You can also email us!

We recently did some playtesting with the current version, check it out :)

We are now almost done with the game, and are working on the final assets for release with continued bug testing

(2 edits)

I am currently working on a 1v1 FPS game thats nearly complete, all programming is essentially done (aside from map-specific code) we are now looking for someone who can create a better rig than the auto-weighted one we have now in Blender (or leverage Mixamo's rig). If this sounds like something youd like to do and have some free time, check out the full details of the post here:

And heres an old preview of the game, we made some new changes since:

Thanks for your time, hope to hear from some of you soon. My contact is in the full post linked above, feel free to contact me of any questions or leave a comment here.

Important: Please make sure that you do take the time to read the google doc linked (first link) before contacting me, as it outlines everything about the project and who we are looking for.

Your art looks great! If your still interested in a project, feel free to message me on Discord or PM me here. My Discord is: Dibbie#0408 - im currently working on a 1v1 FPS game, and all we need now, is art animations and a handful of audio thats in the works before beta :)

Hey, me and my team have been working on a 1v1 FPS game for PC, we plan to release on Steam when its done - we are in the final stages of development now, where mostly all the coding is done, minus a bit of QA testing, bug fixes, and possibly 2 additional features for polish.

We are now looking for a few artists and an animator who would be interested in helping us complete the game - full details on the project, who we are looking for, and what to expect you will be doing, can all be found here:

Feel free to message me by email or Discord, or leave a reply here

Hey, im currently working on an FPS game, if youd like, you can join our team and help us create the maps - you can find out more details on the project im working on, and what the role would involve on the team, from my post on here:

If your interested in joining the team, just let me know, send me a message on here or on any of the contact provided in that post =)

(1 edit)

Hey, I’m Dibbie - lead programmer and project manager of a 1 v 1 FPS free-to-play project I’m working on with my team, called "Friendly Fire".

We are actually quite far along with it, I’ve recently finished up a good majority of the programming, and we are in the process of upgrading the projects assets and removing all the placeholder content as we start building the actual assets.

You can find a bit more detail on the project here:

With that said, we still need a enthronement artist to join the team and help us out. If this project sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, and you fit any of the descriptions below, contact me. And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

== We are looking for ==
3D Environment/Game Map Artist

You'll be:
- Creating the 6 initial maps
- Creating assets for each map
- Creating assets for the tutorial map

You'll need to know:
- Blender preferred, 3DS Max or Maya
- Texturing and UV wrapping/unwrapping
- Terrain modelling (either in Unity, Blender or a similar 3D tool)
- How to create small assets like barrels, crates, chairs, etc

== Requirements ==
- Be active and communicate through Discord
- Provide at least 2 examples of your previous work
- If you do not have any previous work online you can show, we have a document of "test assets" you can create for demonstration
- Preferably speak English
- No teams/companies/contracts, we are looking for individuals only

== Project Details ==
- Will be released on Steam as a F2P
- Unpaid/voluntary project
- Estimated a few more months of development before early release/open beta testing

Our team currently consists of:
- Programmers
- Music composer & sound engineer
- Voice actors
- QA tester & co-designer
- UI/UX artist
- Weapons artist & animator

== Contact ==
Discord: Dibbie#0408

Hey, im currently working on my own project and we are looking for artists, maybe we can help eachother out - if you can give me some more detail about your project and what your looking for from the programmer, I can let you know the same of what we need for art maybe.
What kind of game is it? (2D/3D), what platforms is it for? (PC, Mobile, console, etc), Do you plan to sell it or is it going to be a F2P?, What genre is it? (action, rpg, platformer, etc), is it online/multiplayer? And what kinds of systems would you need the programmer to make? (movement, inventories, military combat, etc)

I am currently working on a FPS project I think you could fit well with, if youd like to join the team and chat with me over Discord, I can provide you a lot more info - though for now, I can link you the info page I created on here, and my twitter that I try to post updates on the project as often as I can:

If your interested to join our team, let me know =) 

(2 edits)

Our teams been working on a 1 v 1 FPS game in Unity, and as I am finishing up the programming, we are now looking for artists who can join our team and be a part of the project.

This is completely voluntary/unpaid, the game will be published on Steam for free as our first project, and just something fun we want to create to the world of FPS - some members are students (such as myself) and others work a fulltime job, but we all find some time in a week to dedicate to the project, and thats all we ask from you - some time, dedication, and communication.

We are currently looking for the following:

- UI/UX artist

- 2D graphics artist (things like sprays, logos, decals, bullet holes, etc)

- 3D map/environment artist


If you would like to be a part of the team and can dedicate a few hours a week, see the full details that go over specific tasks with references for every position:

If you are interested in joining the project, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

 Discord: Dibbie#0408


Please keep in mind that we are looking for team members and not agencies/"see you in 2 weeks" type of individuals. Your not expected to do work every day, so long as we can communicate with you. Our current goal is to release on Steam for PC in about 4 to 6 months. You can find updates on our Twitter, I try to post there as often as I can.

Please provide at least 2 examples of your work (WIP's are fine), and/or a website/portfolio (DeviantArt, ArtStation, etc are fine). If you do not have any of the above, we have a few "art tests" to help demonstrate your art style, creativity and work pattern to us, so we know how we can work with you and what we may need to provide.