Wow! There really isn't much to say because it's just a really fun game!
The ninja needed some time to get used to as I kept dashing into the laser even at quite close distances when I thought I had it. I don't know how it could be improved but I had some trouble guessing the appropriate dashing distance.
The second problem was much bigger. At one time I wanted to pause the game because I had something to do in another room. It was more out of habit because there really isn't a point in pausing this game. The usual button to pause a game is the Esc key which closed the whole application for me. When I opened it back up I realized that it doesn't save my progress. So a heads up for anyone playing, don't hit Esc.
Because I really liked the game I went back to it and eventually completed it. It's certainly a pretty big flaw if you can lose progress this easily. Especially that I was quite far.
All in all a very good entry! I will check out your devlog after the jam is done. Really cute game with great sounds. The camera shakes are just right too. It felt really good to get the final costume because of the ability effects. The not-shovel-knight was really satisfying to use when breaking a lot of blocks or jumping on the circle-enemies one after the other. The slight variations in jump height and speed between the costumes was great too. Loved the costumes idea with all the off-brand characters. And the level designs were fun too. (The hidden rooms were a great addition too)
Good one!