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A member registered Jun 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really liked the story, it was quite relatable :D

The chips/bottle choosing doesn't work correctly. Lot of times when you click on it it doesn't register. They have very small hit boxes where you have to click to choose one.

The stereotypes were borderline offensive but its fine by me.

Liked the text to speech story and the ambient sounds in the game.

The main menu's buttons overlap if you don't play in fullscreen mode. Look into canvas scaling, easy problem to fix.

It's not my kind of game but I liked the idea and it fit the theme nicely. I would love to try what you could do with this concept if you developed it further. Good one!

I enjoyed this small game.

I think the players bullets are too slow. Its weird to be able to outrun my own bullets.

Also one thing that could maybe be solved by taking the camera back a little is that there were times where as soon as I would notice an enemy or a bullet at the edge of the screen it would kill me. 

The game felt like it was harder than it was supposed to be because of some of these design decisions. If you want to make a good game you have to keep in mind that often what makes a hard game good is that you feel like losing was your fault and you can do better.

I loved the visuals and the music was good.

Good one!

I tried it out because everyone was talking about this one. And yeah. I think we found a probable winner.

The music is great, it creates tension perfectly. The sfx are simple, classic, but great.

I enjoyed the upgrades though sometimes it felt like I had to choose whether I want a fun update or a useful one.

The fullscreen mode does not work in the web version.

The amount of polish on this game knowing the timeframe is amazing.

Its a shame I cant play it anymore since I dont have much time left to rate games, but I'll probably come back to it as I think theres much more enjoyment in this game left for me.

Great submission!

Cool game! Really like the idea and the music is too good! 5* for audio easily.

One thing I would say is that since this is a highscore based game it would add a lot if the game saved my best score and it would display it on the death screen. And that would motivate me to try to beat my best score or be competitive with others. Also when you die you should display the score more prominently. The first time I died I restarted the game and thought what a shame that the score display disappears when you die so I don't know how far I got. Turns out it was my fault that I didn't see that despite the menu and restart buttons popping in the small score couner still stays. It's just not flashy and big enough to notice.

I didn't have a problem with the mechanics as some others did. I think the honking was easy to figure out, it was an original an uniqe mechanic and I loved it. Sometimes the game got so frustrating when you were stuck behind a bunch of cars. Especially when your time is running out, you can see the checkpoint but some slow cars hold you back. But I mean frustrating in a positive way. It was great. Altough the honk recharge time could be shorter.

Overall loved it, good one!

I'm really happy you enjoyed the game!

The sfx problems arised last minute when I ported it to a web version. If I understand correctly the sound files are too short for the format the WebGL version uses. (gotta look into it I guess) It works correctly in the Mobile and Desktop versions. And thats also true for the menu button sounds which were there originally and disappeared in this version.

Thanks for the feedback!

hope nothing comes up. Its gonna be my 2nd jam!

I had a lot of fun playing and my gf played with it too and said she liked it. The graphics are really cute and the idea is great. It's really impressive that you guys made it in such a short time.

A few things that could be improved on:

Horizontal and vertical movement speeds differ.

The maps are huge. It is only a problem because the orders can have pretty tight time limits and when you cant find an ingridient despite searching through like 20 rooms it gets quite frustrating. Once I got 2 hamburger orders in a row. So I had quite a lot of time where I just needed to find the meatballs and bread. I already knew where meatballs were so I just had to find bread. And even after the two orders past their time limit I still didn't know where the bread was after searching for it. And I used the minimap. (which is a hugely helpful thing in this game) (My gf suggested maybe smaller maps or for you to be able to travel in all 4 directions from any room. My idea would be that you guarantee one spawnroom for each ingredient in like a 3 room radius from the start)

The main menu is a little confusing. It took some time to figure out how to start the game. And the hitbox where I could start the game with E was very small.

After collecting an ingredient and failing the order you should be able to keep the things you collected. When you need to get the same things for two consecutive orders and you fail the first one its annoying to have to go back to collecting the ingredient that you know you JUST collected enough of. There was once that I gave up on collecting for an order because I knew there was no way that I could complete it and started collecting for the next one. I didn't notice that it was putting the ingredients in the first order, I realized it when I got enough. And so I got enough but because that order would eventually fail I had to collect the ingredients once again, putting the second orders fate at risk.

There should be some bigger sign that you collected one ingridient for an order. When you complete an order thats instantly noticable, good job. But when you complete one ingridient from an order with 2 or 3 you can often go for some time without realizing you should really move on, again making the game harder unnecessarily.

Don't get me wrong, we really liked the game and had a lot of fun. Great entry!

Great quick game! Really like the telegraphing before the gravity flips. The art style is great too. The whole game has a great atmosphere. Level design and character controls were good too. Variable jump worked for this game very nicely too.

The only thing that could be improved are the flames. The particle system felt a bit out of place and I think maybe the hitbox is a bit too big. I got hurt once when I thought I wasn't touching it. But its not gamebreaking.

Overall great game!

I did a lot of things that I haven't done before:

- camera shake

- unity particle system (I heard about all the hype. Boys and girls, it's REAL. It's easy to use and incredibly flexible)

- making a platformer player controller with custom physics, all from the ground up

- made a web build

- checkpoint system

- cute art. It turns out even I can make something look cute even though I'm terrible at art.

- a volume slider. Even though I couldn't implement music in time, now I know how to do it.

- squash & strecth animations

- button navigations with the arrows

- I can't make an easy game. Even if I think it's not that hard, its hard

- One week is a short amount of time. I started really working on my game at about the 4th day mark. Before that I just worked 1-2 hours max per day. Thats not enough with the scope I was aiming for. I thought a week is longer than this... For my 2nd jam I will know better

Anyways I had a lot of fun during this jam and I hope all of you did too. If you wanna check it out: https://itch.io/jam/vimjam/rate/768008

Wow! There really isn't much to say because it's just a really fun game!

The ninja needed some time to get used to as I kept dashing into the laser even at quite close distances when I thought I had it. I don't know how it could be improved but I had some trouble guessing the appropriate dashing distance.

The second problem was much bigger. At one time I wanted to pause the game because I had something to do in another room. It was more out of habit because there really isn't a point in pausing this game. The usual button to pause a game is the Esc key which closed the whole application for me. When I opened it back up I realized that it doesn't save my progress. So a heads up for anyone playing, don't hit Esc.

Because I really liked the game I went back to it and eventually completed it. It's certainly a pretty big flaw if you can lose progress this easily. Especially that I was quite far.

All in all a very good entry! I will check out your devlog after the jam is done. Really cute game with great sounds. The camera shakes are just right too. It felt really good to get the final costume because of the ability effects. The not-shovel-knight was really satisfying  to use when breaking a lot of blocks or jumping on the circle-enemies one after the other. The slight variations in jump height and speed between the costumes was great too. Loved the costumes idea with all the off-brand characters. And the level designs were fun too. (The hidden rooms were a great addition too)

Good one!

The art is super cute. The animations are great and everything about this game is super cute. There is a slight contrast with the cute graphics and the bad-ish language used in some parts. Apart from that I enjoyed the over-the-top random story bits.

The mouses in the respawn points keep killing me without me even moving. Not that frustrating but definitely a problem. Especially when I first arrived on the first level and it killed me out of nowhere and I didn't even know what happened at first. And there are multiple parts where this is the case. And its not the best to respawn and as soon as you do you have to move or you die again.

Also, the cacti are confusing. There are some that are in the background and you can go through and the others are instadeath and it wasn't at all obvious at first which is which.

The wall climbing is cute too even if a little weird.

The controls could use some tweaking.

Cute entry! I think if you had time for playtesting and improving the level design and controls it could go a long way.

Very nice game, had a lot of fun! Everything that I have a problem with you seem to be aware of because you listed them in your after the jam plans. The biggest things were that the ghosts were hard to see at first but I got used to it. And that it felt very unfair when I almost completed a level just to be catched by a ghost that just spawned in the door. Your fixes: "Allow the player to goto the next level if they hit the exit even if they've been caught by a ghost" & "Add a timer in front of the door to show when the next ghost will spawn" would fix this perfectly. Even if not a timer just a little indicator that would fit in with the game a little better. Yeah and the pillows were sometimes hard to collect.

Apart from that, great game, great sounds, beautiful graphics and overall fantastic entry. I like the double-challange that its a different kind of game on the way back.

(1 edit)

Also forgot to mention that after failing I didn't really feel motivated to try again. Don't exactly know why and what whould help. Maybe if one wrong move didn't cause a game over. Maybe if the maps were smaller. Maybe if the movement and the whole game was faster. Don't exactly know. I went back and tried a few more times just to playtest and to feel that I was fair in rating, but if it wasn't part of the jam I would have probably given up on my third try because it wasn't too exciting. 

Edit: Also, not a very quick pig :)

I think the game would be a lot better with tighter controls and the boomerang could use some more work. It can sometimes be a little frustrating.

The idea is great and clever! It perfectly fits the theme. I liked the sounds too and the art style was fun and fitting.

I know it's part of the story but its not the most rewarding when you complete the first level to meet with a you failed screen. This is just a personal preference, not a big problem.

Overall a fun little game that could use some more playtesting. 

Obviously unfinished but fun! I hope you had fun on your first jam (it was my first too) and I think you'll be able to make some good games in the future. For the start this is great. Keep up! If you decide to do something with this, tell me, I'd love to see what you dreamed up originally.

Great little game! This needs to go on mobile!

There are little tweaks and things that could make it better but overall I really like it. In some areas it seems that its impossible to go through without losing a life. 

I really like how with breaking stuff you can lengthen your rope and you can go a long way without upgrading your rope too much if you are good at the game.

I think it definitely needs to be easier in the beginning though to hook players. If they get stuck on the second gold gem they won't play for long.

Also I think the players hitbox should probably be a little smaller.

Overall great game, I like it! If you decide to continue developing it where can I follow the progress?

Great idea and very nicely executed! I enjoyed it a lot!

I'm not entirely sure but I think you have no coyote time which makes the controls seem a bit unresponsive at times.

Also, the Play Again menu needs to be controllable with the keyboard. The game is played without a mouse so my hands aren't near the mouse and when I hit Play Again I have to be really fast to not fall while I reposition my hands. It's easy and quick to fix and it would make the user experience much better.

Apart from these, great game!

Really fun and original game idea. Sadly I got stuck pretty fast but thats just my fault. I'm not the best with playing from hearing. :)

There are glitches with the music in the browser version but I know you are aware of them.

Also I would apreciate if I could turn off the background music. Since both the puzzles and the bg music are piano it makes it very hard. If I could change the volume that would help too but it's also definately needed to have an option to turn it off.

Great graphics and music too! Really liked this game I just wish I was better at it.

Really fun game! I had a lot of fun!

The progression system is really fun and the graphics are nice. I really liked the music too despite it not being made for the game it fit really well.

My only big problem was that in the beginning the fighting mechanics paired with the slow movement caused the gameplay to be really frustrating. As it was up to chance whether you could survive even 1 fight and you couldn't outrun or outmanouver enemies. And it was really frustrating to die, walk slooooowly back to where I was just to be killed again. But after getting about two purple bears and a red bear the game became much more fun. So maybe the starting damage could be a little higher or you could surround the player with enemies with less health so in the beginning you don't die that often. It's not a problem if some areas are only accessible when you are stronger but this was a little overkill. It was up to chance on which run I could finally reach my first bears. But I admit some positioning also played into it to not trigger all enemies to follow me.

Also, sometimes it wasn't clear between which trees can I fit. Sometimes it looks like I should be able to go between trees and couldn't and sometimes it was the other way around.

Also after the boss I would like the option to continue the dream or to wake up other than just it putting me in the main menu.

Overall, really cool and original game! I collected all bears and defeated the boss. It's great!

I enjoyed playing with it for a short while but there needs to be a goal or something to play towards to make me play for longer. I collected the things but I couldn't use them and didn't know what to do with them.

There are some bugs  that if you could fix would make the game much better. Also some improvement tips:

Sprite layering order has some problems. The player will often go under objects that he is not supposed to.

Player can't move in all diagonal directions.

Zombies spawn on top of the player or very close to the player.

Zombies can get stuck on invisible things. Maybe on the ground, I don't know but sometimes they get stuck.

Player can leave the play area and the camera doesn't follow. A simple invisible wall could do the trick.

Player turns too slow. And since you don't shoot where your mouse is but where the player is turned this makes aiming very hard.

Radio doesn't work.

Instead of leaving with a button if you could leave through the door that wouldn't be this weird.

Zombies spawn only in a corner of the map and the rest of the map is empty. Also zombies are no challange to dodge. Maybe make them faster.

If I could shoot with holding the mouse button down that would be better.

Anyways, keep improving! It doesn't need a lot to be a great gamejam game.

Cool game overall! Had fun playing it.

One thing that would make all the difference is having some feedback in the shop. Now I don't know how many gems I have and if I have enough for an upgrade there is no feedback when you buy something. So for now the best strategy is to click a few times on each and hope you bought as many as you could.

Also, currently there is no decision to make in the shop. You may or may not want to change that. Because the gems and upgrades are linked you just buy as many as you can from each. Instead there is a decision to make in which gems you go for. But since those are randomized and some are in places which are obviously not worth going for, most of the time the gem colors don't matter in my decision and whichever color I get is up to luck. And also you only have a split-second to decide which gems to go for.

On another note, it's an interesting idea. Every level you have to choose between risking your time and getting another gem. Great job!

Thanks for the help!

I ran out of time so there is no sound in the game. But you can play with a fancy volume slider if you wanna. It really changes the volume. You gotta trust me on this one tho

Hi. I kinda ran out of time during this jam. This was my first jam so I took the time for granted in the first 4 days.

I submitted 10 seconds before the deadline and I didn't have time to upload screenshots.

Are you allowed to upload screenshots after the deadline or is it considered cheating? If you are allowed then how?

Thanks and hope you all had a great time!