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Horror films and video games that are set during the daytime, especially outdoors during the daytime, are extremely rare. Some people think that's because daytime horror isn't scary, but I highly disagree. I believe that the reality is that darkness automatically makes things seem somewhat scary to most people, so when you take darkness out of the equation, it is all left up to you as a storyteller to deliberately create something frightening. You don't have the luxury of relying on darkness to help you out when your attempts at causing fear fall flat. Few are willing to take on that challenge, and fewer still manage to pull it off. I am happy to say that Deathmatch 404 succeeds with flying colors, somehow causing me to feel highly uncomfortable and paranoid right off the bat, despite the unassuming brightly-lit environment, and long before anything scary actually happens in the game. With daytime horror, it's all about creating a really uncanny feeling in the player/viewer, and Deathmatch 404 nails it.