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A member registered Apr 06, 2020

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I love this game! The usage of stock photos for everything is done super well, the animation work with the stock photos is very impressive, and the faked first-person navigation (with W and S keys) and faked Field of View (slightly distorting the image around the sides of the screen) are extremely creative!

That said, I had a really big issue with the first scene in the warehouse. The flashlight was hard for me to find, but the note was impossible. I literally spent like 5 minutes straight stuck on that one part, trying everything I could think of and even attempting to brute-force it by moving my mouse over every inch of the screen, yet I couldn't find anything. I eventually looked up ManlyBadassHero's playthrough for the solution, and judging by the fact that he had to put a jumpcut in his video, it probably took him a long time to find it too. The note is super small and blends in well enough that it doesn't seem like something that I could actually click on, and it's so low-resolution that it just looks like a couple of pixels, so there's no way to tell that it's actually supposed to be a note. Next time, I recommend that you use a sticky note or a piece of paper with tape, and have it stuck to the side of something and facing the player, instead of just lying on top of a shelf. That way, it's much more obvious to the player, and looks more like a note was meant for the character to read.

This game was absolutely worth it though! It's such a cool concept, and aside from the note, it was executed very nicely. I look forward to playing your other games, as you definitely have a lot of talent and creativity. Well done!

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This is a TWO-PLAYER (no single-player mode), COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER game (local multiplayer only), and CONTROLLERS ARE REQUIRED! This page barely even hints at this being a multiplayer game, and says nothing about controllers, so I thought I'd let y'all know.

Also, from the screenshots on this page I was sure this would be a horror game, but it's not. It's actually super chill.

Wow! I really enjoyed this! Great characters, a unique style, and an awesome and unique gameplay loop (the gameplay is similar to The Man From The Window, but the enemy phase is really quick so it doesn't feel tedious). It's horror-themed, but it's super mild. Pretty much the only thing remotely scary in this game is the poor lighting (and one of your patients is a wolf which might look scary at first but he's totally chill). The game is also not very difficult- it's timed, but as long as you keep the doors open to everything except the lobby and the 3 rooms that are occupied by patients, you can finish each night in half the allotted time. Also, I absolutely loved that happy ending. What a great way to wrap up the story. Well done! Can't wait to see what's next :)

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This is my new favorite out-of-context comment.

I'm still kind of reeling from that true ending and I have no idea what I should be feeling right now. It had so many twists, none of which I predicted, and was shockingly wholesome. I'm not sure I fully understand it all. 10/10.

(2 edits)

After submitting the file to Virustotal and analyzing the results, I can quite confidently say that this poses no security risks.

Also, for anyone having resolution issues with this game, I found a way to fix it! First, you need to download a software application called 'Borderless Gaming', which allows you to force any game into borderless windowed mode. Then open Veashelletz, and in the Options menu turn off fullscreen. Finally, use Borderless Gaming to make the application borderless. It automatically makes the game go fullscreen with much better scaling and without actually changing your screen resolution!

How to get the Secret Tape: On the last question of the 2nd tape, type 'lamb' at least twice.

(Also make sure you're playing version 1.3 of the game)

I'm writing this here because the secret tape is important to the game's lore, but it's very unlikely that anybody would figure this out on their own, and if you try to google how to get the secret tape, the descriptions of some of the search results contain mini-spoilers.

This is the shortest game I've ever played on itch. After 2 playthroughs I decided to try speedrunning it and managed to beat it in 13.33 seconds. AGDQ here I come :P

This game has the cutest character art that I have ever seen in my life. The full experience is really short, even counting all the dialogue and Hanare's attempts to extend the game, and it actually runs counter to the game itself: not only did Hanare want me to keep playing, I wanted to keep playing!!! My god do I want to see those character sprites in a longer, more fleshed-out game. They're ADORABLE!!!

Oh, I didn't know it was on GameJolt! Cool :)

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Yeah, I just tried to download it with the Itch launcher and the same thing happened to me. You have to go to this store page in your actual browser, and then press the Download button, and itch will redirect you to the Google Drive page where you can download it.

Duckenheimer programmed this game to literally quack at the player for their cowardice when they try to quit. How dare you :P

If anyone's having an issue with the movement controls (WASD) not working, I found a solution!

Here's my fix for the movement bug:

  1. Start a new game
  2. Press "Q" to bring up the in-game pause menu
  3. Click "Controls"
  4. The game doesn't  seem to think the movement keys have been bound yet, even though it says that they are. So, even though they say they're bound to WASD,  just pretend that they aren't bound to anything, and rebind them manually to WASD:
    1. For "Move forward", click the corresponding "Bind Key" button and press "W".
    2. Do the same for the other three Move keys. (NOTE: For some reason the movement keys seem to be the only ones that need rebinding, so don't bother rebinding the rest.)
  5. Resume the game. The controls should be working now!

I know it seems redundant, but that actually fixed it for me.

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I was having that issue too, but I just managed to figure out a solution!

Here's my fix for the movement bug:

  1. Start a new game
  2. Press "Q" to bring up the in-game pause menu
  3. Click "Controls"
  4. The game doesn't  seem to think the movement keys have been bound yet, even though it says that they are. So, even though they say they're bound to WASD,  just pretend that they aren't bound to anything, and rebind them manually to WASD:
    1. For "Move forward", click the corresponding "Bind Key" button and press "W".
    2. Do the same for the other three Move keys. (NOTE: For some reason the movement keys seem to be the only ones that need rebinding, so don't bother rebinding the rest.)
  5. Resume the game. The controls should be working now!

I know it seems redundant, but that actually fixed it for me.

(5 edits)

Holy cow. 10/10. This is now one of my favorite short games that I've ever played on Itch.

(Some constructive feedback:
Honestly, this game's page kinda doesn't do it justice for how awesome the game is. The thumbnail is friggin' excellent, but the page itself is pretty barren, so I'd suggest fleshing it out a bit for future games. I'm not saying you should include screenshots, of course, since that would definitely spoil the game's surprises. I just mean like adding some subtle art/texture to the background of the page for aesthetic, so it's not just all black.)

Thanks for giving me carpal tunnel from frantically button mashing harder than I ever have in my life, without telling me that the reason I'm losing is because I didn't know that I needed to use spacebar to actually "attack". The GUI element which indicates that spacebar is the button for attack only appears in the top right after the truly time-sensitive section begins- you know, the section of the game where the player is least likely to look at the top right because they're too focused on trying not to lose. Other than that, great game. 10/10

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First of all, I just gotta throw this out there:  CONTENT WARNING!!!

I didn't see anyone else saying it, so there you go. This game depicts a case of extreme depression. Please, do not play this game if you yourself are already feeling down, or if this kind of subject matter disturbs you.

The game is just so raw and sincere that can be almost painful to play.

I just finally got the true ending, and it hit me in the feels so strongly that I almost cried. And I have never cried at a game or a movie. Ever.

This game is absolutely not for everyone. Most people really wouldn't like it. But screw it. I give "One week, My room" an 8/10.

It would be a 10/10, but I took two points off because the actual gameplay makes very little sense, especially on the first playthrough or two.

One of the most underrated horror games I have ever seen or played, based solely on its incredible world design. It's obvious that the dev had a solid artistic vision, and they realized it beautifully. The game has a strange, foreboding, sometimes chilling atmosphere that really captures and exemplifies the fantastic thematic potential that comes with the horror genre.

What I found kind of funny is that even while "3D" the character was still technically 2D. Sure, the perspective seems 3D, but the walls and the character sprite all still look 2D, and the character only ever moves in 2 dimensions. It's almost as if the character can't even imagine a 3rd plane of existence...

Anyways, I really loved this game! Pretty good writing and interesting mechanic (though the infinite respawning without any consequences made it seem a bit trivial and tedious). The platforming section was really fun, and the maze had a great atmosphere, I could totally see that part getting turned into an actual horror game. My only issue was that I had to start over once because my game was bugged and wasn't progressing to the 3D phase when I stood still, but it took me quite a few minutes to realize that. It was my first time playing, so I just figured it was part of the game and I was supposed to keep going or keep waiting until something changed. Restarting fixed it though and the 3D part triggered no problem.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. If you read the fine print in the download section, itch only unlocks the download for the other version "if you pay $5 USD or more". Yeah, it sucks... but to look at it another way, you'd be supporting an indie developer.

Very well-executed game that's absolutely adorable while also being an effective horror game. The horror aspects of the game don't interfere with the super cute parts, and both work together beautifully to create a somewhat simple yet highly engaging emotional narrative.

Fantastic pixel art with some really impressive animation, has sound and color yet perfectly captures the essence of Junji Ito manga. The game is very well-executed and gives off those exact same feelings of escalating creepiness and horror as Junji Ito's works. I honestly found this adaptation even more terrifying than a manga! Despite how short this game is, I'd honestly start calling it a horror classic.

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Really? Thank you!!!
I honestly really appreciate that you took the time to write that reply even though my original post was 266 days old. I know I've encountered that same issue with other games too (I think the original Momodora game from 2010 was one of them), so that info will certainly still be extremely helpful for me! Thank you!

Edit: I'm really good at google searching, and despite using special operators and syntax I literally cannot find anything GMS related by the name of "melatonin", so I guess I'll try the Discord.

(2 edits)

Oh my god, I loved this. The custom controller vibration, especially in the beginning, was super immersive. Also, the attention to detail was extremely impressive, with a lot of little touches, like how the chainlink fence surrounding the motel, despite being a static texture, actually makes a noise when you walk into it. I really loved the fact that, rather than using jumpscares or scary music or anything of those cheap horror tropes, the horror in this is subtle, intellectual, and purely based around atmosphere and the feeling of dread. I did have issues with this game when it came to progression, however. I had to consult a walkthrough (Alpha Beta Gamer's video) multiple times, especially the part where you have to stop at a certain point in the sign-in book in order for the bell to actually work. With both that and the first VHS tape task, I had managed to locate the specific target for the objective, but I couldn't figure out what to actually do with them in order to fulfill the objective. It would have been nice if, for the first task on the VHS tape, there was some sort of prompt to use the Right Trigger. With games like this that have non-standard or uncommon control schemes, the player should be introduced to the controls in-game, and I mean during gameplay (opening the menu doesn't count). Even then, the players shouldn't be expected to already know that zooming in on something can actually trigger events, which is why it's important to actually guide them through that special type of interaction in some way or another at least once, so they can understand the "rules" of this game. Overall, I absolutely loved this game, the style, the gameplay and interactions, almost everything. I just hope that the developer can figure out a way to better direct the player so that they are less likely to spend 5-10 minutes wandering around the map confused about how to progress.

Had some problems getting the game to run, but I eventually figured out that it was my antivirus' fault. Each time I tried to run a fresh install of the game, my antivirus (Avast) took ~10 seconds to scan the .exe file for viruses, and eventually said it was safe each time. I think the issue was that as the game tries to boot up, the antivirus interrupts it in order to do the scan, and somehow the interruption messes things up and causes the program's startup code to break, which is why it does nothing each time I try to run it thereafter.

Horror films and video games that are set during the daytime, especially outdoors during the daytime, are extremely rare. Some people think that's because daytime horror isn't scary, but I highly disagree. I believe that the reality is that darkness automatically makes things seem somewhat scary to most people, so when you take darkness out of the equation, it is all left up to you as a storyteller to deliberately create something frightening. You don't have the luxury of relying on darkness to help you out when your attempts at causing fear fall flat. Few are willing to take on that challenge, and fewer still manage to pull it off. I am happy to say that Deathmatch 404 succeeds with flying colors, somehow causing me to feel highly uncomfortable and paranoid right off the bat, despite the unassuming brightly-lit environment, and long before anything scary actually happens in the game. With daytime horror, it's all about creating a really uncanny feeling in the player/viewer, and Deathmatch 404 nails it.

This is a really great metroidvania game with graphics somewhat reminiscent of the Commodore 64 era and gameplay that functions a lot like a classic retro platformer from the early days of home consoles. I did quite enjoy playing Brathian, so I'd say it is definitely worth a try if that's what you're into. That said, I do have a few issues with it in its current state. The main issues I have involve the game's powerups and less-obvious controls (the ones that require holding a combination of the down key, attack key, and/or jump key either on the ground or in the air) not being explained to the player, and the fact that player constantly has to retrace their steps - not only to get to previously-inaccessible areas, but also because they went the wrong way. Someone totally new to the game will likely run into multiple instances where they went down a pathway that lasted multiple screens, only to be barred from continuing further by an impassible obstacle, forcing them to backtrack. I love metroidvania games, but the main character moves very slow, and the fact that I have to guess which path to take, with incorrect guesses completely wasting entire minutes of my time, is just really frustrating. I think that the easiest and best ways to fix these issues are to 1.) add pictographic indicators to the first few screens of the game and next to each powerup to let the player know the game's controls and the functions of each powerup, and 2.) allow the player to fast-travel to any of their previous checkpoints. There is no point to requiring the player to traverse the same screens multiple times, especially when it is no longer challenging to do so. There is already the option to fast travel to the most recent checkpoint at any time, so adding the option to fast-travel to places that the player has already been would greatly streamline the game and lead to a much more enjoyable experience. 

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By the way, I love that idea of "Wholesome Horror". I always hated horror stuff (or at least, I thought I did) up until the past 1-2 years or so, when I finally discovered just how vast the "Horror" genre is, and I've come to realize that I love horror (except for things with cheap jumpscares - see Chris Stuckmann's video "The Problem with Horror Movies Today"), especially the kinds of horror that I personally don't find scary (which is very ironic). I've found that Horror often adds a richness, mystique, unconventionality, and unpredictability to a work that I find fascinating, immersive, and/or refreshing (when it's done right, of course). I love the way that people experiment within the horror genre, and how people have managed to find ways to combine horror with nearly any genre you can imagine and still make it work. Case in point: Buddy Simulator 1984 is wholesome... but with Horror?! It's Wholesome Horror!!!

FLAMBERGE is a diamond in the rough, albiet an incomplete one. The mechanics are unique, interesting, and well-implemented, and the gameplay is super fun. From my experience with the game so far, this game does NOT feel buggy, unpolished, or poorly balanced, so keep in mind that when the developer warns that this game is still in development, they are probably referring to the fact that the latter half of the game's chapters have not been finished yet. What is currently playable, though, is really solid, so don't expect the game to feel unfinished in terms of functionality or gameplay. Is it worth $10 in its current state? Ehhh... I'm on the fence, but leaning a little towards the "no" side of things. In the future, once work on the game has been completed and all the content is there, would it be worth $10? I'd say YES! Definitely! If you, like myself, got this game as a part of a bundle such as the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, I would highly recommend giving FLAMBERGE a try! You won't regret it!

(Fun Fact: The word 'flamberge' refers to a 'flame-bladed sword', which is a kind of sword that has a blade with a wavy shape, rather than the straight blade that we usually associate with swords.)

I have never had a game run this poorly on my computer. I have no idea why, but this runs at around ONE frame per second on my pc (except for the flashing text on the character select screen, for some reason). I've tried running it in compatibility mode multiple times with different settings, but it does absolutely nothing to improve the framerate. The audio seems to work fine, but it's totally unplayable. I can run Dead Cells and Hollow Knight perfectly fine, so I can't wrap my head around what could possibly be the issue.

This game shouldn't have been killed, it's really good! The main two issues I have with the game are small ones that aren't core to the experience and could be very easily changed or tweaked. The both have to do with respawning. Firstly, each time the player respawns, if the arrow keys are already being held down, they don't do anything, and the player needs to let go of the controls before they will start working again, which is frustrating and disrupts the flow of the game. Secondly, the parts of the game audio that are voiced (the "dah" sound that happens each time the player respawns, and the voices you hear during the final chase sequence) quickly got really repetitive and annoying. What I personally would have preferred is if there were a death sound effects (and maybe, at the end, most of the distinct voice lines could play when the player dies, instead of looping constantly), but no sound effect for respawning (or, at least, a quieter, non-vocal sound effect). Overall, quite a good little game with interesting platforming mechanics and a very cool & unique aesthetic/art style.

This is a great little puzzle game with a totally original concept! I loved it, but I just wish the instructions were shown in-game, instead of only on the store page.

IMPORTANT: Both of the middle two rows of desks count as THE SAME ROW!!!

(The game counts a girl sitting in the second row and a girl sitting in the third row as being in the same row. It's a bit counter-intuitive, I know, but I think it makes the puzzles better.)

I encountered some nasty bugs while trying to play through this game. I literally had to start the whole thing over 2 or 3 different times after getting softlocked at different sections. One time, I threw the NPC at the apple tree at the beginning of the animal crossing section, and then he must have disappeared offscreen somehow (I wasn't paying attention), because after that he was just gone, and throwing the fish all over the place did nothing to help. Another time, when the very first floor spikes appeared towards the end of the game, I was standing right in the path of the spikes, and my character got caught in an infinite death loop, because they kept respawning in the exact same spot that they died, there is no period of invulnerability after respawning, and the amount of time it took to respawn is the exact same amount of time that it took for the next wave of spikes to get to where my character spawns, so my character would die immediately upon respawning, before it could even register any of my inputs.

For some reason, this game seems to be running at a much slower speed on my computer than it is supposed to. I first noticed it when the terminal text comes up about mounting the C: drive right before the level select, because it was as if that text was being typed out at a slow rate. All of the gameplay feels like it is running at not just a lower framerate than it is supposed to, but a slower pace altogether. I have tried running the game in fullscreen and windowed mode, and it doesn't really make a difference. This game seems to be heavily inspired by Megaman, and it was pretty cool, but it sucks that I couldn't get it working right. This same thing happened when I tried to play the game Long Live The Axe. I just wish I could figure out why I keep occasionally coming across games on with simplistic graphics that run really really poorly on my computer, despite much more graphically-intensive games running just fine.

Hmm... were you trying to download it using the Launcher application? As far as I know, for games to be downloadable with the launcher, the developer needs to tell what operating system each downloadable file is compatible with. Since I don't see a little Windows symbol on the game's page next to the file size of "", it doesn't seem like UniDot has done that yet, so it will need to be downloaded manually from a browser.

I loved this game, so I am super excited to return to it now that there's more content! 

Quick question: Have you considered adding a toggle-able setting for which aiming scheme to use, so that players can choose between the old aim-first controls and the new gun-first controls, in case some people liked the old gameplay better? I have no idea how hard that would be implement, though.

Also, I'll definitely check it out on mobile! This game is a great way to pass the time. :)

This game took, no exaggeration, around 15-20 minutes to load on my computer. Yes, minutes. I'm using an older laptop, one with a nVidia Geforce (non-GTX) card, but still one that wasn't built for gaming. That said, I have never had a game take this long to load without responding to inputs the whole time. After it finally loaded, I discovered that the game apparently doesn't have an options menu, so no way to change the video settings and optimize for my device. I'm not saying the devs are at fault for anything, I just thought I would mention this because I found it really surprising. I'll hopefully be getting a new computer soon, and I'll be excited to finally get a chance to play this. :)

That is the cutest elephant sprite and animations. I love it!

Reminds me of Jelly No Puzzle and Increpare's game "Puzzles" in that the levels and mechanics seem super duper simple, yet are INCREDIBLY difficult. I never skip or look up solutions for puzzles in puzzle games, but after spending around a half-hour trying to solve level 2 over the course of two play sessions, I simply could not get past it. LEVEL 2!!! So I literally ended up editing the source code to get past it, because it was so hard that I had exhausted all my options and I wasn't enjoying the process of trying to figure it out. I was spending 30 minutes on one puzzle, and I really wanted to see what else this game had to offer. Honestly, I really really REALLY want to know how the dev came up with these puzzles, as they are too ingeniusly designed even for me, a seasoned veteran of puzzle games.

In addition what has already been mentioned about bull almost immediately running off the edge of the world if it isn't steered, I'd also highly suggest increasing the amount of time that the instructions text is shown at the start of the game. I literally had to restart the game 3 or 4 times before I was able to read through all of it. Also, the first bullet point of the intro text should tell the player the controls, not the bottom one. I don't mean to be harsh, so I hope I don't come across that way. I'm just trying to provide constructive feedback. :)