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This is a very good demo, and I enjoyed it a lot. Tommy and Ellis are both especially adorable, but it does make me wonder: would it be possible to get into a poly relationship with them both in the full game? Because their relationship already feels like it's the start of a romance, and I don't want to have to betray one to get the other...

On a different note, the demo file was very large for a game its size, and I note that you've got a very large number of sprites that are either duplicates or variants that I don't think are ever used in the game. It would probably make sense to only include the necessary sprites in the distribution package to reduce its size.

Anyway, I hope this goes well. Good luck with the game!


Thank you so much! :D I'm really glad you enjoyed it. It's my first game so I've been pretty nervous about it haha. 

For the first question, we did actually really want to allow the choice for polyamorous relationships :) The current plan was to have  polyamorous/matchmaker routes as a stretch goal in the Kickstarter, where you can either be part of the romance, or watch it play out. I really want to include this even if the stretch goal doesn't get met, but it would probably have to wait until we have made some money from the game so we can pay for the art and stuff ^^. 

That's a really good point about the file size also. I hadn't really thought about it, but I could definitely get rid of a lot of those sprites. Thank you for the advice :D

Well, I hope you make your goal; the game thus far is certainly deserving of it. :)