Day 4
Done today
- Crates can be destroyed.
- Revamped the classes and scenes hierarchy.
- Documented some stuff.
A bit of clean-up
Once I got the crates destructible, I decided to go and do the stuff a bit cleaner. I considered that obstacles (StaticBody2D), war machines (KinematicBody2D) and eventually some projectiles (RigidBody2D) can be destroyed. As such, they should all inherit from the same base object, so I had to add a level of indirection to all objects. Before today, each object was a PhysicsBody2D, but of different types. With the revamp I did today, the base object now has a PhysicsBody2D as a child node, aptly named “Body”.
The class hierarchy now looks like this:
─ GameObject: Any object in the battlefield
├── BaseDestructible: Object with health that can be destroyed/killed.
│ ├── Obstacle: Objects like crates, trees, walls.
│ └── Warmachine: Object that can shoot and/or move.
│ └── Player: The warmachine controlled by the player.
├── BasePickup: Object that can be picked up by the player.
└── BaseProjectile: Object shot (typically) by a Warmachine.
─ BaseAttachment: Anything that can be attached to a machine's hull.
└── BaseCannon: Fires one or many projectiles.
And here is how the Player
scene is assembled (most of it through code):
─ (Node) Player: Where the Player script/class is attached.
└── (KinematicBody2D) Body
├── (Camera2D) Camera
├── (CollisionShape2D) Collider
└── (Node2D) Hull
├── (Node) AttachPoints
│ ├── (Position2D) Attach_01
│ ├── (Position2D) Attach_02
│ └── (Position2D) Attach_...
├── (Sprite) Sprite
├── (BaseCannon) Cannon_01
│ ├── (Sprite) Sprite
│ ├── (Position2D) Nozzle
│ └── (Timer) Cooldown
└── (BaseCannon) Cannon...
And a bit of documentation
While it’s interesting to put that kind of information in the devlog, I think it’s also essential to keep it alive and updated. Coming from a framework background, I tend to put much value in proper documentation. I also know how hard and time-consuming it can be. Considering this is first and foremost a game jam, I’ll keep it minimal for now, especially because I’m currently the only audience of that doc. A couple of notes in the will do the trick (and a properly documented codebase, naturally!).
What’s next?
Tomorrow, I plan to work on the following:
- Different cannons and projectiles.
- An enemy war machine.