Thanks a lot for the return, much appreciated! The music is also an important aspect of our submission, though certainly not as much as with your rhythm game. ;) We ended up using premade songs available from Pixabay, but in a future jam or project, we want to start looking at making our own music. The info you gave us will certainly help. Thanks again! :)
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Very nice concept, fun to play and well presented. I like the inclusion of a leaderboard! (taking notes for my next game jam… ;))
The only small-ish suggestion I have would be to make it clearer where the (mouse) pointer is on the bucket, as it gets harder to align with the water when there’s no much remaining.
Good work there!
Thanks for commenting. We had a plan to add instructions in the game (and more sound effects), but we realized too late that the submission time was an hour earlier than anticipated (making the jam 71 hours long instead of 72).
Glad you loved the vibe! The music was not made by us (as documented in the credits), but we made sure to chose pieces that would fit the game.
Simple, but very well polished. Who knew that cows could fall on their feet, even from deeper space (I was kinda hoping it would splatter when it fell from that high, hehe).
An idea for the page: maybe have (at least) the first screenshot not animated, as it was a bit distracting from the game, with it being almost the same size and all.
Thanks for the kind comments! We had a blast trying to find a way to get evertyhing on the same beat: the bumping polygons in the background, the two-frame animations, the music - though it’s still not perfect on that front. We were clearly inspired by the synthwave playing non-stop all the week-end here. 😆
With the shop, I think it gave a vibe like those old Flash games (R.I.P. Kongregate).
Thank you for trying and commenting. After running the same waves for hours, they didn’t feel hard, but I understand that it might not be the case coming freshly in the game. The shop helps, and after a couple of runs, catching fishes becomes a bit easier (though the evil cubes of doom are not less deadly).
I’m not a mod.
The rules are not 100% clear on this, but the following one, to me, kinda means it’s allowed:
I have code and assets from other Jams I wish to use, are these allowed? Yes! If you have the rights to use it, anything that wasn’t made specifically for this particular jam is allowed. Mini Jam isn’t strict on the “build it from scratch” ruling, but it is encouraged.
We’ve been using premade assets in our previous submission, and have been clear about it (in the Credits section).
I’ve only done a handful of jams (I think this one is gonna be my… 4th). There are a lot of ways to look at it, but one advice I can give you (and I wish I knew in my first two jams) is: aim small! 72 hours seems like a lot of time, and you will probably have a lot of good ideas, but believe me, you won’t have time to implement half of what you think. Aim for a single core mechanic, and build around it. Make sure you have a proper game loop (i.e. start, play, end, retry), then add more stuff or refine if you have time.
In our first two game jams, we had a lot of very cool ideas and a vision of what it would look like, but in the end, we were only able to present half-baked, incomplete and confusing “games”. The last one we did (the one I linked in my other post) was our first “finished” game. It’s simple, a bit rough around the edges, but at least it feels complete.
Good luck to you, a game jam is a very thrilling (and humbling) experience!
I admit the rules are not 100% clear on this, but the following one kiiiinda means it’s allowed, I think:
I have code and assets from other Jams I wish to use, are these allowed? Yes! If you have the rights to use it, anything that wasn’t made specifically for this particular jam is allowed. Mini Jam isn’t strict on the “build it from scratch” ruling, but it is encouraged.
We’ve been using premade assets in our previous submission, and have been clear about it (in the Credits section).