What stood out to me the most about this game was the design. Opening up the game, what first popped out at me was the lizard. I like how the lizard acts as a mascot or a symbol to the game. I also like setting of the game. At a first glance, you wouldn't be able to tell that you are in a Unity world because the game is zoomed in and only captures the immediate environment. The blue sky and varying sizes of green pipes kind of reminded me of how some of the levels in Mario looked like and I also thought the reflection of light off the pipes from the sky added a realistic element to the game.
What I feel could use improvement would be the ball spawner. When the ball fell off the map or when it collided with the two paddles, I noticed a message in the console that stated that the spawner.spawnobject method was trying to be invoked. However, the method wasn't being called as no balls were being spawned. This issue confused me a little as I wasn't sure if the challenge aspect of the game involved having to control more than just one ball with the two paddles.
Overall, as I stated above, I loved the design of the game. I also feel that the mechanics of paddles are pretty straight forward and not hard to grasp. What I feel could be added to the game would be new(or progressing) challenges as you move along. Increasing the speed of the ball on each bounce, or adding a lives/score counter to keep track of the player's progress are some examples that came to mind, but there are others that you could add based on where you want the game to go.