Day 7
Done today
- Added a simplistic and not fully-functional HUD.
- Added a health gauge and pause button to that HUD.
Playing with GUI
I started to play a bit with the GUI elements. While some things are not as intuitive as they could, I ended up being able to do what I was aiming to. The HUD has a place for a minimap, gauges (and eventually text values) for health, shield, energy and heat, and a working pause/resume button.
I debated between a HUD with floating items in the corners or a full panel on the side. I decided to go for the latter. That way, the visible game area is a full rectangle, with no overlay masking anything, so I can be sure of what is visible or not. I don’t want the player to be killed by an enemy hidden behind the minimap!
One week in
It has already been a week since the jam started. While I’m not as advanced as I would have hoped, I can safely say that I learned a lot in that week. And the project is aiming in an interesting direction too. I feel like Godot was indeed the tool for the job.
What’s next?
Tomorrow, I plan to work on the following:
- Creating weapons by assembling cannons, projectiles and other stats (e.g. fire rate, damage, bullet speed).