Wasn't able to accomplish a ton today, but some progress was made towards just having the programming work a bit better and towards the animations being played depending on what direction the player moves in.
NOW Wendy can face to the left (ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!111!!!!). I also increased the max amount of Broom Hop Points from 100 to 200, since it feels better just to be able to Broom Hop a bunch more before it all runs out. Additionally all Broom Hop Points regenerate fully when Wendy touches the ground. I'm still thinking of ways to make the game a bit more challenging besides just needing to replenish Broom Hop Points, like some basic form of obstacle or something (SKELETONS MAYBE??? reply to this post if you want skeletons in the game).
To be honest it's been pretty hard to think up ideas for the flying gameplay part, though I do know I still want to implement some dialogue with text boxes and some characters you can talk to, so I'll probably focus more on that in the next few days while also thinking through how exactly I want to approach flying. I think this dialogue with other characters part will mostly occur towards the beginning of the game, just to set the scene and introduce Wendy and everything, though there'll probably be some in the middle and/or at the end of the game. I'm envisioning the structure of the game as this beginning introduction where you walk around and talk to people, followed by TAKE OFF where you get on your broom and fly somewhere (the moon? Mr. Halloween's House? the convenience store across town?) and that flying part is gonna be the core of the game experience, and then Wendy will finally reach her destination and there'll be some more dialogue and it'll be a neat little ending. Not a long game overall, most likely, though I'd like for it to be a bit longer than my game Goobey and The Pizza Quest (that game is 10-15 minutes, so having this game be 25-30 minutes would be nice), since I'd like to challenge myself to make a longer game while still keeping it interesting.
So yeah that's all for today thanks for reading dawg.