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Tell me exactly what you're doing, so I can help.

(2 edits)

well I did everything as you instructed, but when I press on .py the app opens again, it asks me to write down a name and a version, but the executable file thing stays empty, I keep pressing on .py but to no avail because it still says empty, and even if I try to search directly from the app pressing on choose it says the folder is empty

Here is an example

yeah but the executable file thing should fill up itself after pressing on .py right? On my device it doesn't

okay I think it must be my device's problem because I ended up finding the .py file and after choosing it the executable file still says empty, so... no PC vn for me I guess lol

It could also be that you're doing something wrong, but I can't help you, if you don't explain your steps... Oh! Why don't you try out another file manager? I use the Es File Explorer. Or press in the joiplay app on [ + ] to add a game that way? Also, make sure to extract the files first. Why don't you send a screenshot yourself, we could even talk on Discord or so. 

Unless you have an iPhone, there should be no reason why it won't work.

(2 edits)

omg it works, It's working! I'm at the title screen of Disguise hahaha! thank you very very much! are you the creator of Joiplay?

Still a no haha. Well, have fun I suppose!


thank you so much for your help Resbach, I'm super thankful ^^

I appreciate your thanks. If you have any further questions, just ask! :)

(10 edits)

doesn't work anymore, I installed worst dating sim and now whenever I try to start a VN on that app it shows the Loading game assets and scripts message but automatically closes the app

Edit: it seems to be a problem with my file manager app. Like when I open the game file in the [executable file] thing in Joiplay and then start the game, as soon as I start playing the VN its file dissapears from my device, so when I close the game, if i try to open it again it just automatically closes because the file does no longer exists in my device.... weird