I love this! My boyfriend and I live in the USA, but he's originally from Paraguay. We've been together for long enough that I've picked up a few things - like Pombero/similar creatures which kidnap/impregnate women, Paraguayan soup/"sopa," terere, stuff like that. He watched me play this and explained some things to me as we went along, it was really fun!
He wanted me to tell you that he'd be interested if you ever wanted a collaborator or someone to help with English. If you'd ever like someone to assist with making graphical assets, I'd also love to help. (I'm more of an artist than a game dev, myself, though I've fiddled around with gb studio.) We both think this is a great project!
I've been really into gameboy hardware stuff lately, like mods and repair. I'm hoping to get my first flash cartridge soon and I look forward to replaying "Yaguarete" on an actual gameboy! :)