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I'm having some issues with the game atm, I don't know if I'm missing some things or I just got locked out of them.
I completed Cassie and Rinny's routes.
Under Skills I have, Cock Growth, Counter Attack, Deep Breath, Drain Kiss, Electric Shock, and Fairy Blessing.
I have a quest which says to find someone who could fulfill my dream wish but I don't know who to talk to.
Bell is missing but she isn't in her normal spot in the forest where she gets stuck
I saw a Marin quest, but I don't know how to activate it
The Lil Shop of Horrors sells no items, is that a glitch?

how did you achieve fairy blessing and deep breath?

meet the fairy in the forest (but prepare gift for the queen)
deep breath (please correct me if I am wrong) can be learned from the bath girl in gym (she is fan of wrestling)

Thank you. But how should i learn it from her? I defeated her twice and ised happy ending but still no option for learning deep breath

Do you mean lin lin?

Yes. Sorry, I confused it with Counter Attack.

Ok. Thank you

bell is either in the jail cells in new ark or in a dungeon in transylvania

u need to take rinny with u and hve the maid or butler outfit with ya

not for now but it does enable you to change your body

The dream wish is not implemented yet.
Bell can be at 3 places: Forest, graveyard, prison.
Marin Quest is activated because you sneak into mansion and assaulted her sexually. Then you can ask her forgive you, sleep and ask her again. You will get a scene with her and you can buy new clothes from her.
Lil Shop of Horrors now updated. You can talk with shopkeep and ask about locked door. You will unlock body modification in that shop.

Dream wish is implemented! Talk to Rinny and refuse every option, and there will be a new one at the end

(1 edit)

Who can fulfill your dream wish is Rinny, When you come back say no to everything and then there should be a new option you can choose from. Bell might be at transylvania, when you enter go right and up and she should be their.

And the lil shop of horrors should give you some clothings when you talk to her, if not might be a glitch. If you need more details just reply.

For the quest, hmm, you're actually suppose to talk to Rinny, but if you have female partners turned off, might run into some issues. I'll look into it.

Bell can also be in the city jail/Transylvania

Marin's quest is pretty much exclusively for female partners.

Lil Shop of Horrors should sell you a certain pair of garments, which you would otherwise normally get from Marin

Yeah, I turned on female partners just for it.