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I am so glad you updated! 😊

This chapter was an emotional rollercoaster, but I enjoyed playing this chapter.

The Brotherhood of Blood is such a strict organization. I fear for Pin since MC had that dream or nightmare. I hope Pin will be okay. 😯

Even though Zihel is mean, I still feel bad for him. I hope Zihel will get through the trials intact. I think that Zihel might have a crush on MC too. 😞

Since Ariel sketched someone like MC in appearance, I think that MC has a bigger role to play despite being a human. I believe Ariel’s emotional, artist nature is misunderstood by the Brotherhood of Blood. I hope Ariel won’t get into trouble for disagreeing with Valefar or the Brotherhood of Blood. 😌

As for Valefar and Abbess Eris, I don’t trust those two. I don’t believe Valefar and Abbess Eris have good intentions for Pin, Zihel, Ariel, and MC. 🤨

I can’t wait until your next update. We’ll visit Akane, Kyeran, and Maskeguy in the next update, right? 😀

I wonder what Akane, Kyeran, and Maskeguy are up to. 🤓

We want the next few chapters to be a little bit more intense than what we have show you so far. We have finished introducing the world and the characters and now comes the time to dig into the character arcs and the second story arc.

In chapter 8.1 we will see much more of Pin and the Brotherhood of Blood... About the rest we cannot say much without letting out some spoilers. 😶

Yes, the next update will be back with the humans! We will bring news about their adventures very soon. 💚