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This is kinda the story continuation of that Razor Sedge guy person, the user of the previous stand i made, so if you read this out of context it may be a little bit off so i suggest you read my previous stand user's story first before reading this one.

Stand User: Ardente A. Zeppeli

Age : 18

Arden is Third-year high school delinquent who looks like a fashion designer that recently joined a yakuza clan. His blonde hair fades into red and styled to look like an emo mohawk hair. He fashions a red leather jacket on top of a student uniform with two scarfs whose color is orange and white covering each other on its neck. He also wear Yeezys. His skin is pale white, and its looks pretty clear on his face because he wears a very dark eyeliners and purple lipstick.

Arden's mother owns a salon and he always helps her to ease her job everyday. His mom wasnt the only person he helped, said the whole neighbourhood. His personality is the last thing people would guess when seeing his rather intimidating looks. Although he may have a good reputation, his school life said otherwise. Well you know the glimpse, about how looks is a major trigger of being shunned in the said "education" place.

Tired of being discriminated, he started to skip school on purpose, giving him a delinquent title. He did so because he thought that the time on school is just not worth it and prefer having more time to help around the neighbourhood. Whatever the school thinks his motive on skipping school are, it's definitely not positive.

When he returned to school, no one wants to interact with him, none at all, and showed it obviously. At first, it wasnt really that obvious, people would still talk to him, while being very frightened. But now, it just really shows that people shunned him, and even starts to spread false gossips and rumors about our poor delinquent boy. 

His school life wasnt his first depression flag. His father was the latest succesor of the Zeppeli family ; he resembles as gyro's son, though which he claims, unknown if it's the truth or just a blantant lie to get a financial support from the Speedwagon Foundation. His son is the only who believes his lies, due to him being a very great role model to Arden. After saying that he's going to the store to buy milk, he was never seen again. Even though Arden believed that he'll come back, his anxiety made him always thought about the possibility that he may be died, or even left the family.

When he tried to pull out the game over screen of his life, there he meets someone, the one that'll change his whole life. That someone looks like he's wearing a dark gray meander-patterned cloak, and that someone also looks like he's trapped on the ground. No, not trapped, but rather goes through the ground. And that weird person, also seems to kill an old man, that old man who always sells ice cream to the kids. Seeing someone he knew being murdered right in front of him, his anger ignored all of his depression, and sets his whole vision to the mysterious man.

Rushing to the cloaked man, he raises his fist and launch it to punch the man. But before even reaching to it, the mysterious person drowns himself into the shadow and tripped the enraged delinquent. He tried to get some balance after falling off, but then suddenly a painful jolt resonates from his chest. He had been stabbed, with an arrow-looking thing.

Before that mysterious man left, Arden heard some of his words.

"That fortune teller is really crazy. Telling me to stab anyone who saw the murder with the stand arrow, i wonder what the fuck is in his mind. Justice my ass, 'never meet me again' my ass. If you really wanted to meet me that bad, why just not come to me and not suddenly calling me on a video call, fucking old zoomer."

Confused, and in pain, Arden can't do anything but lying in the ground, dying, and hyperventilating. Slowly, his vision fades into black. He thought that this is his end. 

Little did he know that he would be the JoBro who accompanies that mysterious cloaked man to destroy the yakuza clan, and actually succeeded, while having a brokenly OP stand. Epic.