Hi! I'll be playing TWWGFAMTFAAAOZSBHEXTH (hilarious title) tomorrow on stream along with several others games from this jam at 3:30pm EST. I'll be talking about any interesting design decisions as I play, and suggesting improvements if any come to mind. Please feel free to join me live, it'll be extra fun to chat together about your game while playing it :)
TheWitchWhoGathersFrogsAndMushroomsToFightAgainstAnArmyOfZombiesSummonedByHerExBoyfriendTheNecromancer » Comments
Here's the segment where I played your game! Thanks a lot for joining me, if you guys liked the format and thought my feedback was at all useful, I'd really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitch and joined for future streams! I don't make any money doing this, I just love playing interesting games and chatting about game design & development, and it's really nice to interact with others who want to learn more about it too. I hope you didn't think I was offering too much critique! I think you guys + your game showed good potential, and hopefully you learned a lot about project management and game design from this experience, which will make your next game even better. :)