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Hi! I gave this a go and really liked it, I like that each of the students has a very distinct personality (Ami's friendly, Angela's kind of like "alpha bit*h", Luna's incredibly withdrawn, looking forwards to seeing more of the cat-girl) and that Dominique and Gayla are also more than just "shells". THINK I got as far as I can, hoping that I can, uh, score more with Dominique than what's there ("hot sex with nurse" has been a fantasy of mine for a loooooooooong time), also like to see more interaction with Ami, she's just kinda...there. Not sure what the increased affection does, I got to 1 with Luna, but that seems to be the end of her route for the time being.

Before I forget, there's about 4 places that are "NOT YET!!", Once those get added there will be a lot to explore, right now it's kind of bare bones. Do like that if you defeat Angela on the duel and give her the maid dress, she actually accepts it and wears it, was half-expecting her to say "no way, it's bad enough I lost, now you want to demean me too?!" Maybe her attitude is a front?

Keep it up, I do like this!

Thank you for taking the time to comment,
We are pleased to know that you like how our project is going, we still have a long way to go, and we hope you enjoy the new interactions with the girls who are already in the game in the future and with the new ones that will come in future updates. 😁
And we will take note of your comments. 😉🥰