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I can run the demo on Pop!_OS (which is based on Ubuntu) but I have no sound. Is there anything I can do to help troubleshoot the issue?

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Hi, sorry to hear about that! Does the audio work fine on all your other games?

Could it be related to one of the following issues?

The sound is fine in other games (Celeste for instance).

I checked my PulseAudio settings but everything looks fine, except that when I run the demo I don’t see an entry in the “Playback” tab.

Ok thank you. I will look into it as soon as I can. In the meantime, please let me know if you find a solution! I'm willing to bet that it may not be something that I can fix on my end : (

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I had the same problem with Ubuntu 20.04 and fixed it by running this command in the Terminal :

"sudo apt install libopenal1"

It's a known issue in GameMaker Studio 2.

I tried on my desktop (I had the issue with my laptop) which is also a Pop!_OS 20.10 and the sound works this time.

Interesting, thank you!