Yeah I’m honestly a little frustrated. I feel like if the system were completely broken more people would be talking about it, so I assume that our games both just happened to get arbitrarily rejected, which, whatever, it’s fine. People are making that decisions and people aren’t perfect.
I guess the fact that major updates on the devlog page are totally messed up is just an unrelated bug. I really can’t imagine there’s a massive issue in this system and we’re the only ones to care.
It is troubling that this topic and all other attempts to reach out have been totally ignored. It’s irritating too that this system is so lacking in transparency that it isn’t even clear it works. I can’t imagine a worse way to do this.
The fact that two updates of very similar size, with basically the exact same release notes, can get completely different results is also disturbing, as it means whatever rules the human reviewers are using are loose enough to be unreliable.