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(2 edits) (+4)(-2)

I like this game. Just five minutes in and I'm into it. Love the choice of music, I was jamming to it. My most favourite thing was when the landlord ambushed Ramona and the way he was introduced like a boss. I like the bus mechanic and transport mechanic, you can't just immediately walk to the next city after all. Liked the interactions too. A must play game. (Landlord I'll pay my rent, don't call my parents!) I like how this game really does want you to suffer. (Paying 1 dollar to save, making Ramona do the extermination instead, tip hotline is 35 dollars, etc.) Too many encounters in the forest though. And sewer event triggers more than once. Had trouble with the sage boss at a lower level.
I made a playthrough, sorry about the audio, will correct it next time.


Ah, thank you so much! Oh, and I appreciate your critcism of the forest. It was tough trying to figure out the ideal encounter rate for that place, especially as the person making it, so I really value the perspective of an outsider on it!

(1 edit) (+2)

Nice! Will wait for the full game to be released, I reached as far as getting the AL card, the combat for that was tough, took me a while to beat! Also, the mother's call event in the sewers triggers everytime I go in the sewers