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So, this is very impressive, it seems like you put a lot of time and effort into it. It's mostly very well made. What kind of killed the fun for me was that it asks you to "try again" when you fail. You are then not allowed to try it again unless you re-install it, and then it's still physically impossible to complete. I speedran this, had a time of 31 seconds and I still lost. Also, I've got to say, the camera movement/bobbing was a bit grating. Besides that, really great game, and like Atilla said, you've easily beat all of us here, haha.

It means alot that you like it. The whole “Not being able to try again” thing is a little bit meta that i maybe needed to explain more in the game. The game is like a memory of an event. The small story about the 2 yellow people in the house and the red gunman outside is the main event. You(The green man) decided to run away. You left the people in the house to fend off for them self. So the reason you can’t play the game again  is because like in real life you only have one try, and the green person was too slow to react. There is no faster time, because there’s no alternative. And the mean message after you try to play the game is like your ‘guilt’ saying to you that you f-ed up.

This might be a little bit too vague, and i really wanted to flesh out the story more. But yea i didn’t have enough time haha