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(1 edit)

Looking good so far. 

I'm disappointed that Stefan wouldn't let me play the organ : ^(     

(there's even an organ.ogg SE or ME perfect for impromptu playing)

It may just be me, but when I only have 1 or 2 lines in a text window, I leave line 1 blank to vertically center the dialogue lines in the window. 

Maybe add some debris in the larger maps to enhance the appearance of rot and decay. 

When you get to the polish phase, consider parallax lighting. The first map would really pop with light around the lamps and windows.

Thanks so much for trying it out! It's funny that you mention the organ too because I literally just finished adding that to the game. I never thought about the number of lines in the text boxes either. I'll try that out later. I'd love to add some lighting too but I gotta figure out how to do all that first lol. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts. :)