Thanks for the advice! I tried again with your recommendations (on the floor, 3 feet apart, controllers facing "straight")..It's a little better, but am still having the same problems with things being far enough off after restarting the app that I have to re-do each it time.
Also noticed the Quest 2 controllers jumping around, so I'll definitely benefit from the "change anchor positioning" option when that gets added.
Either way am loving the potential of this app - I'm sure you've thought about this or had it suggested before, but is there a way to export the space to a home environment for the Oculus? I've seen some tutorials on creating custom ones, so even a way to export the 3D map/unity file would be awesome (can't seem to find if the 3d map is saved in 'sdcard/Android/data/com.curiousvr.homespace')