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Hey Nazandr, thanks for checking out the game, yeah we had some problems at the last minute with GitLab which undid a lot of work that we had to redo at the last minute, sorry that you had this issue we are looking to fix it after the game jam is finished

Ow, that's sad. So is there not workaround for this now?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah tell me about it, so your workaround idea sounded interesting, I have had another look at the game and if you want to see the rest of the level we made a pause menu when you press esc, if you do that and click resume it will continue to pan the rest of the game world, although this isnt the spirit of the game and it wont be as fun this is a way to look at what we made

I've done it already, yeah. I wanted to try moving around, sad i cannot achieve this


its very unfortunate, it was working fine in the editor but we are going through the bugs and fixing them for a release after the jam ends, if you want to take a look after the jam ends then we would love to hear your feedback (but we definitely understand if you dont)