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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Yeah, i'm having fun right now, i hope it'll be this way)

For unity Ridigbody2d you can try to change "Collision Detection Mode" to "Continious" ( mb this will help :)

And yeah, good luck!)

Sorry for late reply again, for some reason it's difficult to do it right away but it is always in back of my mind :)

That's sad, i would like to have this one complete, but it's fine if you are looking for more solid game idea

Right now i'm actually employed at gamedev as unity programmer, but it's been only two weeks so it can go either way. Before that i was focusing more on udemy courses than on jams, unfourtanately could not find more advanced stuff there, was thinking about other sources or just working on pet projects :)

Hi, sorry for late reply, i was really conflicted about your unity situation because i'm unity programmer myself and was thinking about helping you but i could not decide. Now i guess i can't actually do this, but mb in the future if you want any help of course

About seed cutting on in night - ye, i understand your point and i can agree, i was playing a lot not seeing wolves for a while but i was enjoying it anyway :) But that's a big part of the game so i guess it's ok to force playing at night. The only issue here imho that this is not transparent (at version i was playing)

How is it going tho? Are you working on this project now?

(3 edits)

Hello team which have created this great game :)

I'm here again after your update with my letsplays of your game :)

Warning - russian language.

Simple full walkthrough:

And kind of speedrun (red flowers abuse :) ):

I like that you have changed font, it becomes more readable, even tho i don't think that it's still readable enough. You have implemented interesting flower economy system, i appreciate smaller numbers but on the other hand it's kind of confusing at first, especially with pink/purple color which is also too close to red. I found it strange, that you lose half of money and all seeds except red ones after successful day. Also it's strange to have hidden mechanic when i get certain amount of all seeds if i have more than 14 red seeds if i caught it correctly. Can you explain it for me? Or this is a secret intentionally?

Other than that i like how you changed level design, so it's more convincing to explore whole level and it makes system which considers risk and give reward according to it. Cool that you have polished other aspects for example menu, day screen and etc. And ending ofc is cute :)

Hope to see more updates on the game! I will try to catch any major update

Unfortunately, in videos above i was playing on version which you had here about 3-4 days ago and not current one, can you tell me what's the difference? At a glance i didn't see big changes but mb i'm missing something

I'm glad to read that!

Thank you for feedback) Yeah, on track pad it can be more difficult than on mouse, sorry for that. Good thing that i at least have removed right click button after my friends' playtests. Otherwise it would be almost impossible without mouse :)

Thank you for feedback :) Yeah, i like how sounds and my theme thoughts are turned out :)

About removing spamming - ye, this can be an issue, on the other hand i don't want punish player for being more active than needed (if i keep theme ofc). But as idea to don't "spam to the win" and to switch action off can be useful for sure, thanks

Yea, sounds like a good idea :) Btw i had thoughts on another direction - infinte mode where new keys are adding up so it would be difficult to do even spamming :)

Yeah, reducing scope to bare minimum was really nice choice for this jam for me, thank you for feedback)

Thanks) "Design" was actually - "Hm, "tapa-tapa" for steps sounds fun, let's do this!" and then it was expanding :)

So hope it'll no problems with version control next time, good luck!

Warning - russian language :) My letsplay of this game with comments:

@Schmartin I still have questions about how items work tho :) Would be glad if you answer

I'm not sure about free assets but i have not that much experience with it. I know that when i was trying to find simple (non-fantasy, non-shooter) 2D character i've failed. But on the other hand when i have tried to find it now in paid stuff it's not there either (at least in about 2-3 pages)... So mb you are right here

About "losing" - i'm not that hopeful for winning, i don't know if we even have prizes here :) But if i will have good results it can help at job interviews as style points :) I meant that there is like unfair competition this way if judges will not consider this ofc and there are a lot of work for them even without it so they can accidentaly miss this. And there are different participating goals for different people including having prizes so it can be important for someone. Anyway i'm not into arguing about this, so if you want to have last words on this topic i'm ok with it)

Really cool job for this amount of experience) I have similar experience but including a bit of gamedev job. Thanks for sharing! Wish you the best

It's ok

I can't add a lot to previous comments, just voting up that bullet is very difficult to catch which is annoying. Checkpoint system imho should work after you catch your bullet because otherwise personally (and i think many others) i'm losing motivation to play because i have to repeat same things again and again. Also i think would be better to not have so low gravity because sometimes i wanted to catch bullet midair and this way i have like only one try to do jump right... Either way very original idea, audio (except arlarm sound) and visuals (that only gun shadow tho :) ) are really good, nice game overall!

(1 edit)

I saw info about git so mb it explains why menu looks so polished and great and game itself... not so much. Curious if game suppose to be the same quality because now it's like game and menu have done by different teams

Cool game! Meditative and beautiful, really like sounds and movement effects, so smooth :) What you did onthe finish is nice, it fits theme very good imho :)

Thank you! I'm not sure about continuing tbh, at least i want to see rates first :)

I'm not sure if this is ok to bring game from another jam ( I'll not rate or comment this because of that

I've done it already, yeah. I wanted to try moving around, sad i cannot achieve this

(5 edits)

Very addicting game i'm not sure in a good or bad way :) But i enjoyed playing it and for now this is my the most played game (about 1-2 hours) in the jam. Really cute and nice visuals except of font - can't read it clearly and it's not that interesting. It's cool that you have a different coefficient for flowers (as previous commenator noticed about blue seeds) because it brings depth in game. That hooked me up and i've started optimizing the whole process and here i am with the dream:

I'm not sure if sharing assumings (aka spoilers) about items (coffee, gun and etc) is ok for you, so i'll wait for your answer first before i'll do it. Are you ok with it? Also i prefer to know what do what because i still dont't know about everything and i for now i don't want to gather this info from experimenting but i had some idea - i offer you a letsplay/review of a game where i can do something like that but i'm not sure if it'll be long this time (also i don't speak english so good, so it can be a problem, if you understand russian (my native language) then it would be much easier)

About possible improvements:
1. Make second flower more usefull, right now im ignoring it mostly, because it's not worth it
2. Would be cool if lifebuoy give abilty to swim. I don't know if that would be imbalance or even broke the game but at least it can make experience entirely different
3. Font, as i mentioned, should be more clear
4. May be more clear item descriptions. I don't know if you did that intentially to explore it which can be ok but it's difficult to understand who is who now, at least for me, even after playing 1-2 hours
5. I don't think that fields at the right are in use that much... Because with my current info of things i'll better don't go there in night so i can plant at only left ones
6. May be ability to skip rest of a day - again it can kinda broke mechanics because you can avoid wolves at all, may be add it with according item?

So waiting for your answer) Resume - great gameplay, i like dashing a lot, deep planting system, scary wolfes, good audio and visuals, for me best game in jam for now (i don't think i'll find something better in the rest 20 ones UPD. Aaaand, i was right :) )

(3 edits)

Hi, thank you for so big answer)

"I did a lot more than just "glue stuff together"" didnt mean to be an offense or like indicator of low effort. On the contrary i think this is a good skill to have because you can use (and i don't count it as stealing if you credit accordingly) result of others work which can save you time and bring better quality. I think this is even more important skill than doing everything from scratch because imho it how it works in real job. So i actually appreciate your job especially because you did much more that i was initially thought about. Looks like you have a lot of experience already, isn't? If not a secret can you share short review on that? :)

My only concern is paid stuff. It's not accessible for everyone especially in jam so it's like "pay to win" in games. Other than that good job!

P.s. Could you tell can i skip intro? I'd like to play again but don't want to sit through this again. I saw hidden button on the left bottom but it does nothing with it unfortunately

Ow, that's sad. So is there not workaround for this now?

Sorry for your source loss. Maybe you can recover it from submission link which you should provide?

Also i was wondering what exactly you did for the project because now it seems like a lot of different areas covered and in really quality way. I really like 3d intro scenes, smooth movement and shooting for a robot (it feels so good), enviroment and effects. But it looks like a lot of work for one week especially for one man. I saw a lot of bought stuff on unity (just curious you used it only for jam or not?) so my guess that you did intro and glued other stuff together. Which is a good job too, dont get me wrong, i just interested what one man can do)

(3 edits)

Tip for someone struggling with first level - just buy regen and then DO NOTHING! Or you can just do nothing but you will take damage and will not have upgrade. It's kinda strange that first level is like most difficult one and only previous comment inspired me to try again. I appreciate the concept, even tho balancing with this would be really hard i think. Button "Carpe Diem" is also interesting idea, but imho game has a lot of waiting time, you could speed up at least this moment and mb have controls for changing time speed. Anyway, good visuals, not bad audio, decent game overall

(3 edits)

After i typed my name i have pressed enter and nothing have happened. I tried other buttons, going back to menu and resume, then input field disappears but i still can't do anything. Nice visuals tho but i can't taste the game

(1 edit)

At some point game stopped progressing so i've died to end it. Strange that you was not talking about collecting the lights (refrence to Dambledore? :) ) in how to play, with this is more fun even tho in my opinion it should have some use in game, not just score. Nice visuals and sounds, especially menu :)

(1 edit)

Pretty good idea, at first i even thought that you are losing health in a shadows so it would fit the theme more imho. But for one day this is really great job, even now it looks better than 80% games i have seen so far in the jam, and others could spend more time. Personally im not a fan of "i did game less than official jam time" as a kinda marketing tool, but if we are speaking about game i think it's really nice especially if you have done it in one day

(1 edit)

Oh, i had so many nostalgia feelings after this game! It reminds me of good fps times like Unreal Tournament and Quake. Ai is not great but if you are aiming to make multiplayer it should not be an issue. Very high quality work, i like art, sounds, music, player movements, even project page - pretty much everything! So good luck with that one :)

(1 edit)

Minigame shower went exactly from real life lol :) Don't mean to devaluate game atmosphere which is imho not bad but i really hate qte and reaction-based things so i just can't have fun from the game

UPD. After reading your comment got it and tried this again. So with help of reasons it's really easier
Who need to eat cooked food, am i right? :)

This is some really polished game) You did good even tho i moment that im doing task was not that clear at first. Game feels really good, i like sprint and inventory stuff, but on the other hand i think there are balance issue, hatchet and running around just too op, dont get surrounded and you will kill anything... dead... Also i didn't realise right away that i can use inventory which opened like 50-70% of game, i guess you should instruct it more clearly :) So in the end i think you picked good known mechanics and implemented them in really quality way, i appreciate that

P.s. I had some lagging on my imho not that bad specs so mb you should optimize your game if you plan to release it :)

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I was trying a lot of times before i realise (only after your comment) that you need to hold finger button and at the same time use mousewheel and only then you can control fingers. It's very counterintuitive. Also i think it will be much better if desk would be lower. But in the end i really like idea and think it has potential, you even have great visuals, so mb if you polish your controls it will be awesome game!

(2 edits)

Thanks) Yeah, that was kind of experience i wanted to achieve, bringing me back memories of world of warcraft times :)

(1 edit)

Personally not a fun to just waiting (even tho my jam game is also kinda like that :) ) especailly without indicator for how long. I didnt find desire after dieing twice. Introduction was waaay too long imho. But either way i really like visuals, it's really high quality, also i like feel of moving around, that hooking on platform from aside means a lot :)

(5 edits)

The game really needs tutorial, especially because using Z and X as controls (i would advise to update at least description). Also didnt understand right away how to use cards, especially why to keep it. But i really like visuals and audio, gameplay is not bad overall

I'll leave it here from first try in case someone wants competition :)

I'm having some deja vu form past ludum dare theme "stuck in the loop" :) Even tho visual is not great imho and "world" feels kinda empty, sometimes i was walking for way too long and idea is not that original, I like clarity with points of interests and i enjoyed most of them and wanted to explore everything, so overall it was good experience, thanks :)

Wow :) I am a fan of matrix so this game went deep to me) I really like this "1011000" style, levels look good overall. Cool to have acceleration, that camera tilt, taking energy from enemy hits instead of killing and two plot twists in the end, all of this make it great experience!

Some remarks on improving:

  1. I prefer more actions because now gameplay is kinda empty as well as world
  2. Personally i also found that not having clear boundaries when going to the left or right is a little annoying because im kinda manchkin and dont like to have unexplored places)
  3. Once i were not running forward in according section and went left and have to start over again, i dont regret to take another go but checkpoint system would be appreciated
  4. After a while you need to jump and im not sure if you was mentioning it in game (but the thing that it was everywhere else where needed is cool for jam)

So overall great game, thank you for it)

I like this mouse and cactus reference :)

Спасибо) Да, музыка хорошая получилась

(1 edit)

Респект за особо сочный звук смерти :) И, кстати, да, сразу не заметил, что биты музыки связаны с появлением платформ - эт прям шикарно)

(2 edits)

Проникновенная игра, очень понравилась :) Легкий юмор, абсурдность ситуации - это шикарно, особенно понравилась внезапно появившаяся елка :) Но, кстати, тут еще сотрудники относительно вежливые и обычно гнали на своих коллег (или мне так показалось?), для полного погружения не хватает, наверное, выпадов в сторону игрока :) Только соглашусь с комментарием ниже, немного был разочарован концовкой (так долго до нее шел...), которую не понял, можно ли тут спойлерить или нет, поэтому отпишусь так