Looking again for SaveGame data on me PC in Web Storage Files, there are juste Javascript files, a lot splitted.
After opening me DevTools on the game web page, (Opera) "Application" , then "Locale Storage" and the link from game server in it,
" https://fgn.cdn.serverable.com" , show me Key's like that "RPG File1" and "RPG Global".
Looking on PC file "Locale Storage" , nothing found, just a "indexedb" file.
In this file nothing like "RPG File1" and "RPG Global". Just other files with names like numbers, "Manifest..." , "Log" , "Lock" , and so on.
But... a file name like the web link "https_fgn.cdn.serverable.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb" whas found in a other web file, "indexedDB" !
Like the others, in them whas no "RPG File1" and "RPG Global" saving files found.
And also in them web named File whas files with names like numbers, "Manifest..." , "Log" , "Lock" , and so on.
Then....looking in "Code Cache" / "JS" files, there was ALL the Javasrcipt Files using in the game web page.
But, no "RPG File1" and "RPG Global".
Those are Keys !! Probably not stored in the computer.
I made a Copy from the Code Cache/JS Files , then cleaning the Locale Storage and Browser Temporay Files,
and restart the game, but no Savings Files found loaded from game.
Without those Keys "RPG File1" and "RPG Global", i think that can't work.
The Server Game have to Share our Savings with us.... right ?!