So i have over 33 hours logged online, and I'd like to move to Download. There is no way in hell I'm losing all that data. Is there anyway to move it? If so, how and where do i look to do so?
In a lot of others games like this, its all saved in Web Explorer Temp. files, try to look the Cookies and the JavaScript Parameters in them.
Its like a full pack of web page files.
But have to use some special software who can read those files.
Maibe use a Web-Sniffer in real time when you save , in the exact time the file for savings are show in the webpage from Web-Sniffer.
So you can see what kind of file its look like.
Humm...i have to try that.
Found under Saving running, with Websniffing a request to the file "/common/flashes/nf/renryuu_ascension/data/Map071.json"
Probably Data from the game webside to save in the Common Files in Internet Explorer Temporary Files "xxx, json "
So i load it again (request in websniffer) and save it in a "alone" file, try to open it in texte mode, and.....its A LOT of Parameters and tonns of Numbers !
Like Maps numbers and names, Events, Coordinates, Switches On/Off, False/True etc....
hope you can use it.
Looking again for SaveGame data on me PC in Web Storage Files, there are juste Javascript files, a lot splitted.
After opening me DevTools on the game web page, (Opera) "Application" , then "Locale Storage" and the link from game server in it,
"" , show me Key's like that "RPG File1" and "RPG Global".
Looking on PC file "Locale Storage" , nothing found, just a "indexedb" file.
In this file nothing like "RPG File1" and "RPG Global". Just other files with names like numbers, "Manifest..." , "Log" , "Lock" , and so on.
But... a file name like the web link "https_fgn.cdn.serverable.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb" whas found in a other web file, "indexedDB" !
Like the others, in them whas no "RPG File1" and "RPG Global" saving files found.
And also in them web named File whas files with names like numbers, "Manifest..." , "Log" , "Lock" , and so on.
Then....looking in "Code Cache" / "JS" files, there was ALL the Javasrcipt Files using in the game web page.
But, no "RPG File1" and "RPG Global".
Those are Keys !! Probably not stored in the computer.
I made a Copy from the Code Cache/JS Files , then cleaning the Locale Storage and Browser Temporay Files,
and restart the game, but no Savings Files found loaded from game.
Without those Keys "RPG File1" and "RPG Global", i think that can't work.
The Server Game have to Share our Savings with us.... right ?!
You can read how the Javascript file work to make his Savings here on cliking here, codes appears on the webpage, and show you
how it work to make his Save Data.
I dont understand that Java things... im not a Pro in that.
Hope you can help to push the GameServer to share with us our Games Savings...
Today, new saving data found on PC Locale Storage ( browser files on PC ) files made ingame trough manual saving (clik to save) or auto-save :
( Opera browser = C:\Users\ "username" \AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Local Storage\leveldb )
- *.log ( * = variable numbers )
- *.lbd
- MANIFEST-000001
But found bad stuff in Manifest file, content more than game data,
content all me Favorit's web links on me web browser,
maybe here is collecting datas from me Web habits...
Thats bad.
Can anyone take a look plz ?