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Hi. I played your game and recorded it on a video. It was fun. I love such games. However, I did not like that I had to restart the game from the beginning when I die. Also, I think that it would be cool if such game had some sandbox elements like going to places and selling ore, getting better ships and more different powers. :D If you want me to delete the video, let me know. However, if you like the video, I make similar videos every day. I will be happy if you subscribe. Anyway, I enjoyed playing your game.


Thank you very much for taking the time to download my game, play it and make a video.  That's the first time someone's done that with my game!  My son thinks I'm a total rockstar!

I've definitely been thinking about changing it so when you die, you just restart the level not the whole game, so your feedback was helpful.  I definitely want to expand the game to give it more of an explorer feel where you choose which sectors to visit, etc.

I subscribed to your YouTube channel.  Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Thank you. I had fun. :D Soon, I will release a website(as a school project) soon where small developers like you will be able to show their games, and other people will rate it. I will play every game posted there on a video with commentaries. :)
Also, the site will have weekly/monthly challenges where you and your games will get awards. Game ratings will decide who gets the game of the week/month/year title and can show it off on its other pages. I hope to make game development more fun. I make games myself, and I know how difficult it can sometimes be.