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A member registered Dec 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Couple of tracks I've been working on lately...

Space Station


Enjoy!  Feedback always appreciated.  

I listened to some of your soundtrack.  I like how the basic sound/feel is the same across all six tunes.  I found the rhythm part in "Bonus theme" to be a little too repetitive.  I like your changes in the main game theme. 

Thanks again for playing.  I play-test the game so much that it's hard to know how diffiult it is for someone who is just starting.  I fixed the bug with the upgrades.  A couple of tips - stay away from the boundaries - it's easy to get "pinned down" when you're next to one.  The exploding asteroids in level 5 are not a bug (read the intro to the level).  On that level in particular it's important to shoot at asteroids from afar, if possible.  You can also buy the "content sensor" upgrade.  In addition to showing you how much gold, iron, and cobalt is inside of an asteroid, it will show a warning if it has gas inside, i.e. it explodes.  The best upgrade, in my opinion, is the weapons upgrade.  It gives you double-barrelled shooting so you can really kick some butt.  Anyway, thanks again for playing and enjoy!

Hi - the new version allows you to restart the level instead of going back to the start when you die.  Thanks again for the feedback.


I've just released version 0.6 of Chiron Mining Co.  It features three new levels, revamped artwork, new music, and many, many other improvements.  You can read more about these improvements in the devlog and download it here.  I've also created a new gameplay video.

Thanks in advance for your feedback and constructive criticism!

Thank you very much for taking the time to download my game, play it and make a video.  That's the first time someone's done that with my game!  My son thinks I'm a total rockstar!

I've definitely been thinking about changing it so when you die, you just restart the level not the whole game, so your feedback was helpful.  I definitely want to expand the game to give it more of an explorer feel where you choose which sectors to visit, etc.

I subscribed to your YouTube channel.  Thanks again!

This project has been on hiatus for a bit but I recently picked it back up and I'm happy to announce that a playable demo is now available.  Chiron Mining Co. is an asteroids-type game where you blast asteroids to collect resources.  You can then trade these resources in to acquire upgrades for your ship.  You'll need them as you progress through the levels as the asteroids move faster and each level adds unique twists and new challenges.

I'm fairly new to game development and eager to hear feedback on this beta release.  Thank you in advance for your ideas and suggestions.

I guess I was thinking of levels that extend past the viewport with a scrolling camera that follows the player around.  Good luck!

This was very fun.  I look forward to seeing it develop moving forward.  Better graphics, better sounds, etc.  It would be good to have some bigger rooms, not just the same old square each time.  Think of complexes of rooms you have to work your way through - like museum galleries.  Good work.

Fireworks Show Creator

Today I am releasing a new version of Fireworks Show Creator.  I've been able to incorporate a number of improvements over the last week or so:

  • More songs!  You can now pick from among seven different soundtracks for your fireworks show and the list keeps growing.  I've added the national anthems of France and the UK as well as a couple of contemporary tracks.  Note that all songs are in the public domain or CC licensed.  Attribution has been given where required.  If you are aware of recordings of other national anthems to be included in the app, please send me a link.
  • Copy shells:  You can now open a shell in the fireworks editor (double-click on its marker in the timeline) and click the COPY button to create an identical shell fired from the same gun approximately 0.5 seconds afterwards.  
  • Add salutes to any shell:  A salute is a loud report and flash that sounds during or after the shell break.  Previously, you had to select specific shells with salutes added to them, i.e. "Basic peony with salute."  Now I have added a control to the firework editor that allows you to assign up to three salutes to whatever shell you happen to be working on.

Please download Fireworks Show Creator and enjoy it.  Feedback is much appreciated!

Fireworks Show Creator


I'm new to developing and promoting games.  I'm struggling to understand how to keep a devlog on itch.  I see that you can create devlog entries on your game's page and I've been doing that.  I also see that there is a devlog forum where everyone is doing more or less the same.  It seems like the two systems achieve the same end but run in parallel to one another.  Do people just copy and paste from their game page devlogs into the forum?   I want to promote and, more importantly, get feedback on my game.  But I don't want to do twice the work or break some unwritten rule about over-promoting my game on itch.  Thanks for any insight you can provide.

(1 edit)

Another week goes by and Fireworks Show Creator gets a little more polished and a little more complete.  I'm uploading a new alpha demo that includes a number of new features:

  • You can now load and save fireworks shows.  Use the Load and Save buttons on the pause menu (press "ESC" on your keyboard)  to save and continue your works in progress!
  • There is now an audio control to move the playhead back to the start of the show.
  • A new shell, "Comet with salute," has been added.  A salute is a loud percusive bang.
  • The sounds that accompany exploding shells are now randomized to provide a more authentic-sounding show.
  • A new song, Beethoven's "Ode to Joy," has been added to the song menu.

To show off some of the new features, I've created a short video of a partial show set to Ode to Joy.  Enjoy!

Visit to learn more and play the demo!

I second 40wattstudio's comment about the art style.  It's got a kind of psychedelic feel to it.  

I found the controls a little weird at first but got used to them.  

One little bug - if I'm at the "Game Over" screen and hit Escape, the main menu comes up on top of the Game Over screen.

Good luck!

Cool graphics.  It feels a little too frenetic at beginning, like "What's going on?!?!"  Maybe if the gameplay could start a little slower and speed up.  Also, how do you exit from the main screen?  I had to use my task manager to shut it down.


I've just released an alpha version of my current project, Fireworks Show Creator.  I'm still a beginner in game development and would love some constructive feedback.  The content is rather "bare bones" at the moment; I plan on adding many more shell types and songs as well as creating new backgrounds and improving the ones that are already there.    Thank you in advance to taking a quick look.  I hope you enjoy it!


As others have said, start simple.   I have a small mountain of unfinished games that required complex mechqnics that I just didn't have the skills to complete.  Playability > content.


I'm making a game and I'd like to have all of the purchases go to a charity.  Is there any way to wire that up directly?  Other than the proceeds go to my account then I transfer the funds to the charity?  I'd like to avoid people thinking, "Sure, it's going to a charity..." and thinking I would keep the proceeds instead.  thanks.

Thank you very much for your thoughtful ideas and suggestions.  Much appreciated.

I'm designing an asteroids clone as I learn Godot.  Unlike Asteroids, it has progressive levels, each of which has a different challenge or goal.  And the player can get upgrades as they work through the levels.  My question is this: when the player dies, should it just be "game over" and return to main menu or just return to the start of the level the player was working on?  In the original asteroids - which didn't really have "levels" per se - it was game over, put another quarter in the machine.  But it seems like many games these days with some kind of progression or story take the latter approach.  Thoughts?


I've been getting into game development with Gamemaker and Godot over the last year or so and enjoying it but most of my projects remain unfinished because they were just a little too ambitious.  I've decided to go back to the basics and create an Asteroids spin-off with some slightly different features and challenges.  I'm determined to get this one done!

Right now, I have five levels.  I'm not quite ready to publish an alpha but I would appreciate any feedback you have based on the two-minute gameplay video I've posted on the game's page.  Thank you!

I've made a number of additions and improvements since the last alpha release:

  • Added new level
  • Jooboo now has a new special weapon: a horn.  When he honks it, all nearby enemies are knocked back.  A good way to get out of trouble!
  • Added a roundhouse kick ninja

Note that with the addition of the horn, I have created a way to cycle through the different special weapons that Jooboo is carrying.  Right now, there are just two, the seltzer bottle and horn, but more are coming.  To cycle through, use the + key on the keypad.

Updated controls:

Movement:   ASDW

Jump: Space

Melee attack: keypad 1

Ranged attack: keypad 2

Special attack: keypad 3

Switch special attack: keypad + page

Feedback much appreciated!

This is my first real game.  It's a platformer in which a circus clown, Jooboo, fights his way into the mountain enclave of an evil ninja clan to save his circus friends, who have been kidnapped. 

Please visit the game's page.

Here are some screenshots:

Have some pie, Mr. Ninja...

Jooboo takes a punch to the chest...

Have a drink, buddy!

Facing off with a staff-wielding ninja!

I'm new at this, so feedback is much appreciated!  Thank you.

(1 edit)

Download Jooboo v 0.1!

Please take a few minutes to try out my game Jooboo and the Clan of the Jade Katana, the story of a circus clown who must go on a mission to save his friends from an evil band of ninjas.  In this platformer, Jooboo uses his big red shoes, lemon meringue pies, seltzer bottles, and more to make his way through the ninja's mountain hideout.


Movement:   ASDW

Jump: Space

Melee attack: keypad 1

Ranged attack: keypad 2

Special attack: keypad 3

I am new to gamedev, so I am anxious to hear constructive feedback.  Many thanks and enjoy the game!

Juboo and the Clan of the Jade Katana

Balls Up!

Balls Up!


I'm working on my first game and have a playable alpha release.  I'm looking for feedback.  I posted about it in the Get Feedback forum but haven't gotten any comments/downloads.  What goes in the "Release Announcements" forum?  Is that just for games that are "done?"  Or are works in progress OK?  Thanks.

This is my first game, so please be constructive!

Balls Up! is a physics-based puzzle game where you must drag objects around the screen to guide a series of falling balls into a barrel.  I hope you will take a few minutes to give it a try and give me some feedback.  Thank you in advance!

Balls Up!


My name is Mike and I live in the USA near New York.  I'm a hobbyist programmer and just getting into game design using Gamemaker Studio.  I hope to post my current (and first) project on in the near future.  It's a physics puzzle game where you have to move barriers and objects around to guide a series of falling balls into a barrel.  The concept is not too exciting but I have some cool elements that I think make the game enjoyable.  Cheers!