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How do I trigger the dog and horse mounting actions?

(1 edit)

You gotta feed the dog five time and you will be able to keep it and for the horse a merchent will stop and give you a horse while you taking a break at the river's bank.

But before that you gotta built a stable and a dog house.

There's in the quide btw.

Well yeah I know how to get them but in an old run I was able to mount them (and get them to mount me) but I can't get it anymore

I don't know the requirements, but I think that it has something to do whether you do outdoor fun with a straydog or not. If it's not that, then I don't have any other clues.

Gotcha. I'll do some experimenting and see if there's a specific trigger

You need to increase your animal affinity enough. It is a hidden stat that is easiest to raise by submitting to wolves in the forest.

really?? I never would have guessed. I'll try it out. Thanks!

To be able to be mounted by your horse or your dog, just train them for that, it has nothing to do with wolves ^^ Once they "mastered" it, you can see it when you relieve yourself.

The training option does not show up, which is the issue. I might just be stupid but in an old run I was able to train them for it with no issue and now the action just isn't there.

where is the training option for the animals I only could get to search and then there weren’t any more tricks. Also I can’t feed them past 26 like

Not sure if you're still looking for a solution but I did find it. Either once your bitch fame is high enough and/or you get the dog (not sure which one, I did both) an option opens up when having fun in bareshade to have fun with the stray dog, you should only need to to it once to be able to train the one you have at home.