Very fun concept! Gameplay is very enjoyable.
It could do with an endless mode, perhaps with a timer of sorts.
There are some instances in the game where there is a kind of "cinematic" that lasts a few seconds. During these, it is not possible to do anything, including changing your cursor, so maybe it was just one of these that was playing? I was considering changing the cursor to an hourglass to indicate that you are currently unable to take any actions, but ended up not bothering. And perhaps I should make the "cinematics" slightly more flashy. I'm guessing they can be hard to notice unless you actually know where to look. 😅
A very nice game! Fun to have these short flashbacks to old-school Sierra games.
I experienced a problem with the game quite frequently crashing when I right-click, with the error message "ERROR: uncaught: 'cannot read property \x27loop\x27 of undefined'". It seemed to be related to changes in my inventory (i.e. that it happens shortly after I gain or lose an item). I got through it by just making sure that I saved frequently, but it's probably something you ought to check out.
There is still a lot of complexity involved to support other forms. You can template everything as "you stroke your [specie_adjective] cock", but that does not get you very far, and will "break" the story in many ways.
For instance, how would the villagers react if you keep showing up as different creatures every week? And a lot of the dialogue with Rhot relates to him reacting to your warm-bloodedness. How would he react if you had a different form, or if you change your form partially through your relationship?
And in order for the transformations to have any meaningful effect to sex scenes Hyao would need to add custom text for all sex scenes to describe how your tail is involved, how the characters react to your furry or scaly skin, and so on. So supporting transformations means that all current and future scenes will require considerably more writing.