Although now I'm wondering what an Ellis/Artemis interaction would look like...
I do worry though that if you include too many poly routes in the campaign, you might not be able to fund other fun stuff, like the DLC characters and alternate outfits.
I was considering an Ellis/Artemis route actually 😃. But I wasn't 100% sure on it yet. I have a good idea for their dynamic, but not the full shape of their route haha.
That is also a really good point. I would like for the DLC characters to get funded before their polyamorous routes are ideally, because I think it would make them better/more meaningful.
I'll just have to see how it goes I guess 😅.
I'm thinking that it might make sense to have the Tommy/Ellis and Casey/Marissa poly routes as quite early in the campaign compared to the others, as these feel like they would be additions to the routes you're already writing, rather than full standalone routes like the others would need to be, and would thus probably be the easiest for you to actually write. 🤔