I hope you're coping alright with all that work being dumped on you then x3 haha.
I guess in the simulations they don't really have much in the way of a normal everyday routine so they wouldn't need to do a whole lot in the way of chores and stuff. They might do stuff like that a couple of times for some sorta normality in the sims, but they wouldn't really get that much of a chance to live together in peace before they're sorta pushed into dangerous situations. Even if they did get to live a normal sorta life for an extended period of time, I think like you said, Kuro would just wanna spend all his time as close to MC as possible anyways x3
Yeah, most of the Kuro's don't really want the sims to end since they actually get to spend some time with MC doing nice things together. Whereas in the lab, the Kuro's are either locked up alone, or being made to hurt MC >.< You're right about the super angry Kuro, he had very little awareness as to what was actually going on because he was a newer unit when all the shit went down, haha, so as far as he was concerned, the sims were his reality and MC betrayed him. I guess when the Kuro's become more aware of the reality of lab life, they kinda cling on to the sims cos it's the only time they get to be with MC and have any sort of happiness :(
The simulation starts pretty much where you see it in the VN. Like you say, the flashback memories are just implanted at the beginning in order to settle MC into the scenario and make it more believable for her :3
With the gamer Kuro stuff, he was kinda referring to both the sim and reality. In many ways he doesn't wanna leave the sim so he can stay with MC forever, but at the same time, he wants to be able to be with her in reality too. He's not really allowed to say much about reality to MC though, and even if he did, they'd just wipe it from her mind anyhow. So he speaks to her as though the sim is their reality. But yeah, he kinda means both if that makes any sense at all x3 I probably did a terrible job of explaining that, haha.
I guess all the Kuro's are kinda unique in their own way, whether it's cos they've been tweaked on purpose or cos they've grown through experience. They're a fair bit different to the original S****, but that's not really their fault x3 You're right that he does get to be himself in the sims, he has some small degree of freedom while in those, but outside of the sims, they don't really have any freedom at all so most of the Kuro's tend to act quite differently to how they do in the sims because they kinda just retreat into themselves and give up on any kind of happiness, just waiting for the next sim to start.
Yeah, I really love some of the background art packs I bought that have time of day changes :3 They look cool when you tell Tyrano to crossfade from one to another, haha.
I guess in a way, Kuro doesn't technically send MC to sleep himself. It's more like the sim is over and he's allowed to have some sorta sweet time to say goodbye to her before she's pulled out (sometimes anyhow, if Isaac is being a bastard then he might not allow it!) There's not really anything in Kuro's kisses, or the tea that he gives MC that sends her to sleep, it's more kinda like a trigger I guess. Or like when you hear about how spies can be activated by hearing trigger words and stuff x3 Sleeping within the sims isn't really sleeping though, it's kinda forced and doesn't last for the amount of time that real sleep would. It's more like a little blip or a pause and MC just thinks/feels as though she's been to sleep if it's during a sim like when days pass.
No worries on the questions anyhow :D I managed to sleep a little longer last night but still feel restless/in the routine of not sleeping much xD Going to see some of my family later that I haven't seen in months :3 Will probably have a fairly relaxing weekend... eat junk food, watch some movies, chill with family, and go on a nice walk somewhere :3 I hope you get to have a nice weekend yourself and that you don't get too exhausted with your schoolwork!