Day 24
Done today
- Fought with viewports.
Viewports, canvas, cameras, hallelujah!
Now that I know I want to have my HUD as a side panel, I’d like to use the remaining space as the gameplay area. This means having the player centered in that zone, and not in the whole game window/screen. I also want the popups to be centered in that zone. And, clearly, I don’t want any action to happen behind the HUD like it was the case up to now.
I’m reading multiple articles about viewports, cameras, etc. It may be because I’ve been a bit brain dead in the last couple of days, but I can’t seem to make sense of it all. This KidsCanCode recipe seems to hold the answers I’m looking for, but it came a bit too late in the evening. I’m keeping it open, and I’ll jump back to it tomorrow morning.
And if there’s a Godot king/queen among you, please let yourself be known; I would really appreciate some guidance here. ;)
What’s next?
Tomorrow, I plan to work on the following:
- Win that fight!