Cool how you can manipulate the outcome. Could do with more consequences. It felt like I was able to do whatever I wanted and not have to worry about being betrayed or ganged up on. I'd be excited about a next version that has the ability to choose who you end up in a room with, and to have more cost associated with being distrusted -- maybe the others will watch you more carefully, making it harder to 'cheat.' Likewise, even when I was totally altruistic, I never got to where I was trusted by anyone, except for one run where I was lucky enough to find the same person twice and give them supplies both times. Also, I could have used some more explanation of the mechanics. Does fuel do anything? Does it matter where I search? How does group food translate to group condition? All in all a really cool concept, and could easily be fleshed out into a full game with a lot of different end states. The art is perfect for this style of game!