I'm probably being really stupid here, but how do I move the character? x3 I can press S to make sound and space to close eyes, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the little dude to move >.< I've tried pressing all the keys on my crappy laptop and moving the mouse but I'm stumped!It's not really the sort of game I usually play, but the sound concept seems cool :D I won't rate until I hear back cos that would be unfair, haha.
Never mind! It was just my dumb laptop being crazy laggy >.< the arrow keys are working fine for moving now xD
So yeah, I like the close eyes mechanic, that's pretty neat cos it's nice to have some kinda safety net when facing creepy creatures, haha. I don't think I would manage to escape the maze no matter how much I play cos my laptop is too laggy to react in time even if I hear a creature coming + my memory totally sucks so I'd probably just wander forever in there going over the same paths I have already explored repeatedly x3 It didn't take long for me to get munched first time around! Lasted a bit longer on round two!