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Thank you so much for the kind reply and for playing my game! I LOVED watching your game on stream, I plan on downloading it and playing through it myself this week. The voice acting in your game was one of the best I've ever seen! 

I plan on extending the story and adding voice acting, and then eventually also making  a 3D walkthrough/narrative game with the same story. Thanks for inspiring me with kind comments like this! :D  


Thanks for making the game! :3 I can never have too many story-based games in my life, haha + I think the VN sorta genre could do with more psychological horror stuff! I really appreciate when games either don't specify the player's gender, or I can play as a female character as well because I like to self-insert to get fully immersed in a story, and immersion is kinda broken if I'm forced to play as a dude, haha.

Hopefully, you won't be disappointed when you come to play through mine then x3 I'm very lucky to have some amazing voice actor friends who don't mind helping me out with stuff like this. I owe them  a lot! This is the most fun jam I've ever been a part of. I was so down about not being able to go to scare stuff this year, but all of you guys have cheered me up! This community is awesome <3

I look forward to seeing how your game evolves then :D Like I said, I love voice acting! Also, as much as I love VNs, I love stuff like Until Dawn + Heavy Rain even more, so the more 3D, the better, hehe. I wish I knew how to make stuff other than VNs >.< Good luck with everything :3


I just played through your game a few times and it was AMAZING. Definitely one of the best VN's I've ever played. 

And I agree, this community is so wholesome, it's amazing. :D 

I absolutely love your style of VN's, so if you're ever up to collab sometime or if you ever need a programmer, then feel free to hit me up on Discord! I'm always down to help out with projects and expand my horizons! 

That makes me super happy to hear :3 

It would certainly be cool to collab sometime! I'm not able to do a great deal other than write, haha. I can do the odd bit of art editing in GIMP, haha + I can put stuff together with Tyrano, but it's not the same as actually having programming knowledge x3 I use Tyranobuilder cos when I tried to learn code stuff it gave me a headache xD I just wanted to get on with writing, and Tyrano is brilliant for letting me do that, but man, when I run into bugs, it's super frustrating cos without programming knowledge, they can be pretty hard to fix. If it's an error in my scenario, I can usually manage, but with issues like the volume levels in config not functioning correctly, there's nothing I can do cos I'm using Tyrano's default code for that, and if their code is causing issues, how is a noob like me supposed to know how to fix it >.<" I'd like to use a different engine now that more is available, but price is an issue cos I'm perma poor, haha.

Rambling, sorry x3

I'm in the middle of a lengthier project at the moment (that I started for a jam back in 2018 xD) but I'd love to be able to make a bunch of shorter games like I did for this, whether it be for jams, or just for the hell of it! :3


Code can for sure be really intimidating - I picked up Renpy a few months back and become pretty comfortable with it! There are plenty of tutorials out there if you're looking to expand into another game engine. Another great thing is that it's free, which is a plus for me because I'm perma poor as well lol

I'll always be available to reach on Discord & on, feel free whenever if you need someone to help program, and good luck with your project! (I've already started work on some new projects as well :D ) 


I did try Renpy very briefly before purchasing Tyrano :3 I managed to complete the sorta basic tutorial for making a short scenario, but it really did make my head hurt, haha. When I heard that you can just drag + drop stuff with Tyrano and then expand on functions by  learning mini bits of code, I figured that would save me a lot of headaches, haha. It was quite cheap too cos I got it in a Steam sale. I might look into Renpy again at some point though, either that, or sell most of my clothes and wait for a sale on something else xD

Good luck with your projects too! I'm excited to see what happens with Terminal + future projects you create :3