Thank you for the critisicm, as a solo developer there isn't a lot of feedback, so I appreciate another perspective and I love how extensive you wrote about the aspects of my game!
If I coded it correctly, the direction of the launch should be where you logically would assume to be going, given the applied force.
It's 8 directional, which means there are 8 different launch points. If you launch with your character down, you're going to launch down-right. I am very proud of making this. It was hard with my spaghetti code.
Searching for one last enemy isn't fun. I agree, so I decided to now make it so you're not required to get all the enemies to pick up the yellow key, instead it's optional and killing the 8 enemies will save you one second of time on your final score per enemy.
The pushes was created as a "get unstuck" feature for level 1. But eventually became the main focus of level 2. While I have time, I will think about tweaking it a bit.
I've made some changes to the text, to make it easier to see and last longer.
Thank you for all the compliments and the great feedback you provided, it means a lot.