Balancing difficulty is really tough, especially in the short time frame of a game jam. One basic rule of thumb is that the game will be about twice or thrice as difficult to other players than it is to you. That usually means that if there's some kind of race or time limit, you must increase the length graciously, and preferably even playtest after that. If the difficulty isn't determined by a simple variable such as time, it becomes far harder.
In 10 days, that's basically impossible, especially if you never before have released a game to a wider public (I don't know if you have, but I noticed this is your first game on, congrats! :D). So don't take it hard, just learn from it. You crafted a really nice game and a really enjoyable experience, you are a creator and people liked your content so much they took the time to play through it and took the effort to give you feedback, knowing it will help you grow. I can't wait to see what you'll be working on next :)